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2nd December 2015

I was referred to Mr Kim in July after I was diagnosed with a labral tear. I had tried steroid injections which had given me temporary relief, but after they wore off, I was back to being in pain again. Mr Kim gave me the option to have a hip arthroscopy to repair the tear. He explained in great detail the pro's and cons of having the operation and after a lot of consideration, I decided to go ahead. I purchased a cheap exercise bike for my rehabilitation. On the morning of the operation, I was a bit apprehensive. Mr Kim came round and completely put my mind at ease, he told me as soon as I could, to get on the exercise bike, this turned out to be an excellent piece of advice. I can honestly say that the whole experience was a lot better than I thought it would be, I had no pain, even on the day of the surgery. I followed Mr Kim's instructions with regards to the exercise bike and leg exercises. Now 6 weeks on, I have completely recovered and am pleased to say, the operation was a great success. I would highly recommend Mr Kim, he is a true professional, caring, extremely good at what he does and always has a smile on his face. He has changed my life back to how it was before my injury and for that, I could not be more grateful. Thank you Mr Kim!

Written by a patient at Spire Manchester Hospital
23rd November 2015

I have been under the care of Mr Winston Kim during the year 2015 and have had surgery on both knees for the same degenerative condition. The care, attention and information given during both procedures was second to none, I always knew what was happening, the reasons why and the likely outcome. I have since and very quickly after both procedures been able to return to exercise and feel that both operations have been a great success. I have also recommended Mr Kim to friends of mine as his approach, care and attention to detail has been fantastic....

Written by a patient at Spire Manchester Hospital
20th November 2015

I suffered severe Arthritis in my left Knee so my mobility was poor for a considerable period of time. I was referred to Mr Kim in August 2015 for a consultation. I was impressed on his professional but friendly manner. He completely reassured me regarding my surgery of Total Knee Replacement. I completely trusted his expertise and was less worried regarding my upcoming surgery. I wont lie, that I am a very nervous person and had some unfounded fears coming up to surgery date. I will remember my consultation before my surgery. He told me he was going to do a good job as he had performed 100's of TRR BUT that my successful rehabilitation was up to me and to expect to have good days and bad days I got over my surgery ok, but experienced pain in the first few weeks I never gave up on my exercises despite the pain because I remembered Mr Kim's words of having good days and bad days I continued to solder on. I am grateful to Mr Kim for giving me realistic expectations Helen age 63

Written by a patient at Salford Royal Hospital
6th November 2015

After experiencing more than six years of continuous pain in both knees, diagnosed as 'wear and tear', after working in the building industry, l decided, after consultation with Mr. Kim to have a complete right knee replacement. I am more than happy with the outcome and now three months later l have began the process to have my left knee replaced by Mr. Kim. What more praise or recommendation can l give to Mr. Kim and his team as to their professionalism and capabilities. N. Senthouse

Written by a patient at Spire Manchester Hospital
24th October 2015

Mr.Winston Kim is a fantastic human being and brilliant surgeon without doubt. You need not look any further,this man is the Star of the show!He has not paid me to say this,i tell it how it really is. September 30 2015 he fitted me with a new type of hip,a self locking hip with Capture System! Basically its a hip that stays put if you stick to the rules!. You must do your exersizes afterwards if you can.The exact name for this hip is called a Constrained Trident Liner with Capture System.(i think that is right!) Anyway thank you so much Mr Kim for giving me a new lease of life.G-D Bless you. GARRY HOWARD END age 62


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Specialist Hip & Knee Surgeon, with an interest in early arthritis and sports injuries of the hip and knee, and after effects of sports injuries. Large practice of hip and knee arthroscopy (Keyhole hip and knee surgery) for early arthritis, hip and knee replacements (>150 joint replacements performed a year) and ACL reconstruction.