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Written by a patient at Peterborough City Hospital
4th May 2017

Mr Abuzoda kept me informed at all times. So greateful for the care that I received.

Written by a patient at Fitzwilliam Hospital
8th April 2017

I have been a patient of Mr Abuzoda on and off for 6 years in both of his fields of practice obstetrician for 2 out of 3 pregnancies and most recently as a gynaecology patient after suffering from endometriosis/adenomyosis for the best part of 10 years it was decided that a total abdominal hysterectomy and removal of the cervix was the best course of action. Up until this year I had been an NHS patient but in March I decided to see Mr Abuzoda as a private patient so that I could have my treatment sooner rather than later. And yesterday my procedure was performed by Mr Abuzoda and I honestly have nothing but praise for him. He has changed my life for the better. This will be my fourth operation by him and I can honestly say that he always goes above and beyond the call of duty. There is no one better in the field of ob/gyn medicine

Written by a patient at Peterborough City Hospital
11th January 2017

I was unsure what to expect upon arrival at my initial appointment with Mr Abuzoda after some inconclusive blood tests at the GP surgery and a pelvic scan relating to a painful abdominal swelling and heavy periods. Mr Abuzoda was friendly, approachable and immediately placed me at ease when discussing a condition some may find embarrassing. I was confident that he was fully aware of my current situation along with my medical history which includes poor kidney function. He arranged further blood tests along with an MRI scan and fibroids were diagnosed. Throughout the investigations Mr Abuzoda made adjustments to testing where necessary to lesson the impact on the health of my kidney. I felt that his treatment was totally personalised for me and I was treated as an individual rather than a condition. Mr Abuzoda clearly explained my options, he was reassuring, confident and professional and gave me all the information I needed to decide which route to take. The decision was taken jointly between myself and Mr Abuzoda for me to undergo a total abdominal hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries. Surgery was performed under spinal block, again to lesson the impact on my kidney, so I remained awake during the procedure. Mr Abuzoda and his team continued to reassure me throughout the operation which was completely painless. Mr Abuzoda visited me on the ward twice the day after surgery and twice again the following day to see how I was feeling and to check on my progress. It is now two weeks post surgery and I feel incredibly well. I have no pain, the incision is neat and healing remarkably quickly and because of the spinal block I have suffered no after effects of general anaesthesia. I feel extremely lucky to have been under the care of Mr Abuzoda and I would recommend him without hesitation.

Written by a patient at Peterborough City Hospital
29th December 2016

Really wish I had been referred years early. Mr Abuzoda listened to me about the symptoms and after diagnostic tests confirmed his initial diagnosis I started treatment. I had surgery this year performed by Mr Abuzoda and was extremely impressed by the care received and the tidy scar left.

Written by a patient at Peterborough City Hospital
13th November 2016

I was treated with respect as a woman previously in November I had been to hichenbrooke hospital whom basically told me I was too old and wait for the menopause to sort you out! I am a healthy active lady and still only 49. Mr Abuzoda team were fantastic and on the day of my surgery I was comfortable in their care Mr Abuzoda was very good after I woke up he explained my condition and at my post op appointment explained everything and all my options. This experience has restored my faith in the NHS Thank you to all at the Peterborough hospital


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