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Written by a carer at Wycombe Hospital
7th August 2014

My 93 year old mother is under the care of the breast cancer unit at High Wycombe hospital and sees a consultant @ 4 times a year. She has seen Mr Ahmed a few times. Either myself or my husband attends with her. Mr Ahmed is a gentleman. Extremely courteous and kind to us all. We have the utmost faith and confidence in him. If one has to attend this clinic for obvious reasons then, at least knowing my mother will be shown kindness and patience, is a comfort. The new unit is superb too. The ambience is so much better and, with all facilities in one place, it makes life much easier for the patients. The nurses are lovely too.

Written by a patient at Wycombe Hospital
7th August 2014

Was very considerate and explained things well. Took great care to give good cosmetic look as well as surgical care. The wound was very neat and healed well.

Written by a patient at Wycombe Hospital
1st August 2014

Having been referred, I was understandably nervous, but I was immediately put at ease by Mr Farid Ahmed's manner. He explained everything very clearly, answered questions, and took his time - I didn't feel rushed at all. He reassured me that, thankfully although there was nothing wrong, it was the right thing to do to be referred and assessed having noticed a change in my breast.

Written by a patient at Wycombe Hospital
30th July 2014

The doctor made me feel completely at ease. Luckily I have nothing wrong but I was concerned that I was wasting time, but he stressed that any worries I had always need to be checked out.

Written by a patient at Wycombe Hospital
26th July 2014

A 72-year old man with breast cancer writes.... After being referred to the Wycombe Hospital Breast Unit with a suspicious lump in the left armpit and, after a panel of blood tests and biopsies, I met Mr Farid Ahmed who arranged a thorough assessment with further biopsies, CT scan and a bone scan. Diagnosis of breast cancer was positive, very unusual in a man (only 1% of all breast cancers are found in men), but Mr Ahmed was very reassuring at this anxious time for me and my family. His knowledge of the male breast from his 18 years of experience is quite astonishing. He saw me before and after surgery - bilateral mastectomies and lymph node clearance - which were arranged within about two weeks after diagnosis. Although the surgery in my case was a big challenge, my experience of going in for the general anaesthetic and of recovering afterwards was quite amazing. I felt no significant pain so didn't need any painkillers. I was up and about within one day with wound drains being the only thing to limit my mobility for the next week or so. The only time there was a problem, because the surgery affected both arms, routine blood pressure had to be measured using a cuff on the calf of one or other leg, which was very uncomfortable. The systolic blood pressure went up and up at each measurement. However, the next day, my doctor checked my blood pressure using a wrist cuff device and reassured me it was not unusual to have a raised blood pressure in the circumstances. Looking back at my experience of the leg cuff method, I feel it would be less stressful if a wrist blood pressure monitor were available for use in the surgical ward when an arm cuff cannot be used. I went along to Boots to pick up my own wrist-cuff blood pressure device and I can report my blood pressure is perfectly normal - back to where it was before surgery. One week after my operation, the results of histology were already available when I went to Mr Ahmed's clinic. Thanks to the surgical skills of Mr Ahmed and the Consultant, Mr Cunnick, I'm delighted to be able to drive again, something I thought might take at least three weeks. I should also mention the wonderful support of the Breast Cancer nurses, the staff at the Loakes Surgical Unit and the delicious meals served in the Ward. I'm now looking forward to further treatment, radiotherapy, chemotherapy plus some anti-oestrogen medication, to reduce the chance of further problems in future from a small number of cancerous cells that may have escaped. I value Mr Ahmed's opinion and ongoing support and the knowledge that the door of his clinic is always open for the future.


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