Mr Sanjay Verma was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Nuffield Hospital Leeds
12th September 2014

I recently had surgery performed by Mr Verma at Nuffield Hospital in Leeds to remove nasal polyps and also to drain my cheeks of mucus which had been building up over the last 4 years to a point where I found my daily life a misery, my nose either ran constantly and I had to wedge tissues into my nostrils or I was bunged up to a point where I would panic because I could not breath. I suffered terrible headaches and fatigue because I was not sleeping, even eating was a chore as I could not eat and breathe at the same time. After the surgery (which was done under a general), I felt no pain, or suffered any bleeding and immediately felt positive affects from the surgery. I could breathe easily, my nose stopped running and the headaches disappeared. I had pain killers prescribed but I really didn't need them, a nasal spray wash to use twice a day and also a sick note for 2 weeks off work to recover fully. 6 weeks on I still feel brilliant, my life had changed literally overnight. I can taste and smell for the first time in years!!! and it is amazing. I just wish I had had the procedure done earlier, I really thought nothing could be done for me after numerous trips to my own GP and many courses of various nasal sprays which did nothing to alleviate the problem. I would like to say thank you so much to Mr Verma for giving me my life back. Also I would like to thank all the staff at Nuffields for such a pleasant stay with them, nothing was too much trouble, more a hotel than a hospital. Highly recommend Mr Sanjay Verma and Nuffields, would not hesitate to go back.

Written by a patient at Wharfedale General Hospital
27th July 2014

Definitely the best doctor I have had, listened and took extra care both before, during and after surgery. Would definitely recommend MR.Verma, did a fantastic job.


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Mr Sanjay Verma completed his medical training from Cambridge and after award of a coveted TWJ fellowship carried out a year in advanced otology and paediatric ENT surgery under Professor John Rutka at the Toronto General Hospital and the Hospital for Sick Children. It was here that he gained the latest knowledge and skills in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing and balance disorders, as well as children’s ENT problems. In 2012, Mr Verma was invited to the renowned Causse clinic in Beziers, France, where he gained further experience in laser ear and hearing implant surgery, as well as cosmetic surgery for bat ears in children.

Mr Verma is also interested in advanced nasal and sinus surgery. He has developed a subspecialist interest in endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and was the first to perform Balloon Sinuplasty at the Nuffield Leeds hospital. He has undergone subsequent advanced training in Madrid in the Relieva Stratus device for relief of chronic sinusitis. He also regularly performs surgery to improve nasal passages, helping breathing and snoring.

As an ENT consultant at the Leeds General Infirmary and Wharfedale General Hospital in Otley, Mr Verma has a dedicated general adult and paediatric NHS practise, with a special interest in ear, nose, and sinus conditions. He has private consulting rooms at the Nuffield Hospital Leeds and The BMI Huddersfield hospital.

He is committed to training the next generation of surgeons. As the appointed Royal College of Surgeons Tutor for Leeds General Infirmary, Mr Verma oversaw the delivery and standards of surgical training throughout the Trust. He is also Educational Lead for the Head and Neck directorate and sits on the Regional Committee for Higher training in ENT. On a national level he is a committee member for the ENT UK Global Activities Committee a Council member for the British Society of Otology. He is Clinical lead for the Acoustic neuroma service in Leeds and recently featured in the BBC television series "Saving Lives in Leeds".

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