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Mr Jonathan Pollock

52 reviews

Mr Jonathan Pollock is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon based at Nottingham University Hospitals where he specialises in skin cancer surgery and facial reconstruction. He is the Chair of the East Midlands Skin Cancer Network, and the Plastic Surgery department lead for skin cancer. He has been an invited lecturer to national and international conferences on both skin cancer management and reconstruction techniques. He has also written a book chapter on reconstruction techniques in the Head and Neck and has completed over 40 presentations and publications. He completed his training in Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery in the East Midlands and was awarded the Ian McGregor Gold Medal for his performance in the FRCS exam. He went on to be appointed to two national fellowships in skin cancer at Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital and head & neck surgery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, before being appointed as a Consultant in Nottingham in 2016.


  • Plastic surgery