Miss Sascha Dua was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
30th November 2018

She was very caring and helped me through a difficult time

Written by a patient at Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital
30th November 2018

Miss Dua and her staff exhibited a genial manner and was attentive to my particular needs and circumstances. After fully assimilating my medical history and personal preferences, the necessary treatments were fully discussed and subsequently arranged. The operation turned out to be not as straightforward as originally thought, but the difficulties were fully explained and the need for a further operation to mitigate the complications was arranged for the following day. This additional surgery was undertaken within the cost of original quotation, hence it did not place a further financial burden upon us. After the operation, the results were entirely successful and recovery was in line with expectations. Regular check-ups followed and I am now virtually fully recovered. I am delighted with the results and would like to express my thanks to Miss Dua, her medical team and the staff of the hospital for the manner in which my treatment was delivered.

Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
26th November 2018

My life since early September 2018 has been a roller coaster, enduring both positive and negative experiences. The negative experience was in being diagnosed with early stage breast cancer, subsequently leading to a mastectomy. My positive experience was meeting Miss Dua. What a remarkable women she is! My journey has certainly been a lot easier with Miss Dua and her team by my side. Her kindness, compassion and humour are immeasurable, together with her patience in explaining why, what and how, over and over, until I could finally grasp what my next stage of treatment was. Since my diagnosis I have met several people whose lives have been touched by Miss Dua and the general consensus is, that we should start a Miss Dua fan club! I consider myself very lucky to have Miss Dua as my consultant.

Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
26th November 2018

I cannot thank the Breast unit staff and nurses enough as their warm and friendly manner helps put you at ease, and making sure that you never went away from a appointment without contact names and numbers incase of any worries or questions The staff on the surgical ward were the most happiest and caring people I have ever met and made my overnight stay a pleasure(5 stars if it was a hotel). Most of all I save my biggest thank you to Miss Dua who apart from being a wonderful person who loves what she does, took the time to make sure I understood every step of my breast surgery and was there every step of the way including several checks on the day of the op.Thankyou once again to everybody I came into contact with at the Breast unit.x

Written by a patient at Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital
15th November 2018

I would like to provide feedback back on Sascha, from my first meeting when she had to deliver bad news in that I had breast cancer for the 3rd time and because I'd had radiotherapy I needed to have a mastectomy, she was empathetic and keen for me to understand the options, so arranged a further appointment later that day at Nuffield Brentwood. By that appointment I had time to digest the situation but she went through the options with my husband and myself in great detail, and arranged for me to see prof Ramakrishnan. Between the 3 of us we agreed to go down the diep flap procedure but Sascha suggested I was gene tested which thankfully came back negative. During the weeks proceeding the op Sascha keep in touch via email and on day-of op she visited me prior to going down to theatre. All of my meetings with her have shown her to be professional, an amazing surgeon and her bedside manner immediately puts you at ease and you know you are in safe hands. I have spoken to other ladies who feel exactly the same as myself. Yours sincerly T.Wise


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Sascha Dua FRCS MD is a Consultant Breast Surgeon with specialist training in Oncoplastics, Breast reconstruction and a further higher specialism in cosmetics. Sascha went to medical school at Guys and St Thomas's (University of London) and undertook her higher surgical training at leading centres including 4 years at the Royal Marsden Hospital, where she won a scholarship to undertake a doctorate as the first surgical scientist at the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Centre, reknowned for its work on the BRCA2 gene and cancer genetics. Sascha was awarded the prestigious Raven Prize in Academic surgery for research in 2007, and has been a specialised breast consultant since 2011 in Mid Essex Hospitals Trust.

Sascha lives in Danbury. For private referrals please contact 01245234474. or info@tpm.org.uk