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Written by a patient at Southmead Hospital
21st December 2020

The very warm welcome I received on entering the theatre from Kathryn, where she promptly introduced me to the other members in her team today, Lisa and Simone. Kathryn went on to discuss the procedure I was due to undertake and review my recent medical history and fully understanding what I had been through. Kathryn was extremely thorough and professional throughout my procedure as well as extremely caring.

Written by a patient at Southmead Hospital
18th December 2020

Thank you. I felt I was dealt with very well and I am grateful. I would have liked to have been kept a bit more in the picture about what was being found as we went along and to have had it explained that gas was being pumped in and that it might result in a cramping feeling as this became increasingly uncomfortable. I was a little embarassed as I passed a lot of wind and having some reassurance and explanation about this would have been helpful. Overall, lovely kind nurses and doctor. Many thanks, Bev

Written by a patient at Southmead Hospital
16th December 2020

The communication between Southmead hospital, my GP, the transport provider, and me before my procedure was absolutely appalling. I spent about eight hours trying to resolve various issues, none of which should have been necessary. My treatment on the day was great. Two minor points: - I was not clear beforehand what form and degree of sedation I would be having - there were long waits for my transport.

Written by a patient at Southmead Hospital
4th December 2020

As patient who has a requirement to have regular colonoscopies/sigmoidoscopies and has difficulties both psychologically with the procedure and with the discomfort that it causes, I found Miss McCarthy's approach to my situation extremely refreshing. Sadly, my previous colonoscopy with a different team was not a very positive experience so I was very apprehensive upon undertaking this one. However, Miss McCarthy and her team were friendly and reassuring, the conversation was light hearted and engaging and made me feel at ease. Miss McCarthy explained in great detail queries that I had about various aspects of the procedure. And used her expertise to help with the discomfort which including using water to help with the pain, something to my knowledge has not been done before on any of my previous colonoscopies. The procedure did not feel rushed and was went at a pace that I felt comfortable with. This was probably the best colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy experience that I can remember for a long time - I was even able to watch the procedure on the monitor, something that I can't normally do.. I am keen for Miss McCarthy to perform my next procedure and would not hesitate in recommending her to others.

Written by a patient at Southmead Hospital
23rd November 2020

I recently had the last in a series of colonoscopies and polypectomies carried out by Miss Kathryn McCarthy. As before, I received a very high level of care from all of the staff in the Endoscopy Unit. Miss McCarthy made me feel at ease and explained what she was doing all through the procedure. After a few days she phoned me to discuss whether any further action needed to be taken. I consider Miss McCarthy to be a highly professional and caring person.


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Specialises in

  • General surgery


I am a colorectal surgeon with interests in;
1. Proctology
2. Pelvic floor conditions; incontinence
2. Endoscopy
3. endometriosis surgery
4. General surgery

I am currently the NIHR Surgical lead for research, West of England.

I am co-founder of OPSOC - the Surgical Outcomes Collaborative ( Our focus of interest is improving outcomes in older, frail emergency surgery patients.