Miss Devanna Rajeswari was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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25th April 2022

I was seen privately and on the NHS with several consultants all said they could not help me. When I saw Miss Rajeswari she knew exactly what the problem was and after a small procedure she has changed my life. I would definitely recommend her 100%

20th April 2022

Miss Rajeswari has been most welcoming and professional during my appointments and following in-patient experience. She fought my corner on an important matter too which I really appreciate. I would not hesitate to suggest that if you need to see a decent Obs and Gynae consultant you would not be disappointed

31st March 2022

I am so pleased I picked Miss Rajeswari to see. Miss Rajeswari made me feel at ease and very comfortable. She explained everything to me clearly. I would definitely recommend her to all my family and friends.

25th March 2022

I feel I must say - what a wonderful kind person. . I was extremely upset and anxious when I saw Miss Rajeswari initially and she me made me feel completely understood. She showed much empathy. Everything was explained clearly and I had time to ask questions - I didn’t feel awkward or embarrassed by what I was asking. I recommend this lovely lady highly!

14th March 2022

Following my smear test, I was referred to see the gynaecologist. I was so nervous and worried but the minute I walked in to get assessed, I was welcomed with a smile. Ms Rajeswari explained the procedure, took her time to make me feel comfortable and was very professional. She did the biopsy and the treatment that I need in the best possible way. I am glad I was seen by her, she knows what she is doing, very patient and take her job very serious. I feel much better already!


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Miss Rajeswari has been practising Gynaecology for more than 30 years. She has worked in Dublin, Kenya and India and has extensive clinical experience.
She has a passion for treating women with the following conditions.
Heavy periods,irregular bleeding,abnormal vaginal bleeding, Painful periods, Menstrual disorders; Menopause and Hormone replacement therapy; Fibroid Uterus; Polycystic Ovaries; Period Pain,
Abnormal Cervical Smear, Colposcopy, Pap Smear;
Pre-pregnancy counselling for Diabetes and other medical problems; Postmenopausal Bleeding;
Psychosexual medicine; Contraception, Mirena coil, Copper Coil; Prolapsed Uterus, Abnormal Vaginal Discharge; Cyst in the ovary; LLETZ, Cervix Biopsy; Pelvic pain, Pelvic infection, pain and discomfort with sexual intercourse, Abnormal Smear,; Fertility
Urinary problem; Paediatric gynae issues ie lesions, skin tags etc . Adolescent /Teenage bleeding problem; Miscarriage, Fertility Problem;
Hysteroscopy, Endometrial Ablation; Vaginal Surgery for Prolapse; Fibroid Surgery, Hysterectomy;

Nearest Obstetricians and gynaecologists