Dr Hugh Jones was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Kingston Hospital
6th August 2014

Dr Jones has looked after me and my Lupus for six years now, he is very reassuring, gives me all the information I need and makes a hard situation very comfortable and easy when needed. I couldn't wish for better care especially whilst I am a mum of three little girls under seven with a busy life. Dr Jones has made this journey of living with Lupas very understandable and bearable. I am armed with all info and care I need.

Written by a patient at Kingston Hospital
6th August 2014

Dr Jones was great, very pleasant and listened to what i had to say.... very very helpful

Written by a patient at Kingston Hospital
5th August 2014

The best bit about my treatment with Dr. Hugh Jones is he understands my lifestyle and advises treatment to enable me to maximise it despite the potential limitations of my illness.

Written by a patient at Kingston Hospital
5th August 2014

Have been in Doctor Jones care for many years and found him very helpful with my R.A and he is a good listener to all my problems about R.A. If you need any surgery due to joint degeneration he will put your name forward for the relevant treatment. And I would thoroughly recommend him as a very competent Doctor. I feel much better since having been prescribed embrol injections from Mr Jones.

Written by a patient at Kingston Hospital
28th July 2014

Dr Hugh Jones has without doubt help me manage my disease through his obvious expertise and experience- sensible and sensitive prescribing, practical advice and his informal, humorous and empathetic approach. Being diagnosed with a life changing disease and taking any new/ strong drug can cause (to say the least) considerable anxiety. Dr Jones's empathetic yet down to earth, practical, explanatory and humorous approach certainly helps. Dr Jones listens, treats me as an individual and respects my own perspective, intelligence and in-put in terms of managing my condition and medication. Dr Jones's has an informal and humorous approach which doesn't over dramatise or put a negative focus on one's disease yet at the same time he does empathise with the seriousness and potential impact of diseases such as RA. Thank you.


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