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8th January 2016

After suffering for a long time and unable to work, Mr Kim was recommended to me by one of his patients who was a work colleague of my husband. I made an appointment in April 2015 for a consultation with Mr. Kim and since then I have never looked back. He immediately put me at ease and after listening to me explain where I had the pain etc. and after a brief examination he diagnosed arthritis in my right hip. To confirm his diagnosis his team then arranged for and to have an immediate X ray and a MRI scan 2 weeks later. A week after the MRI scan I went back to see Mr. Kim, who explained to me how the X Rays and the MRI scan had confirmed his original diagnosis, he then explained the only remedy was for a full hip replacement. Because of the way he explained everything including the operation he put my mind completely at rest and I had no fear whatsoever of having my hip replaced. Mr Kim then immediately arranged a date for the end of June 2015 for my hip replacement and now 7months on I have been back at work 3 months and I am embracing life to the full. Mr Kim is a wonderful caring person and I can't thank him and his team enough for giving me this new lease of life after such a long time of pain.

Written by a patient at Salford Royal Hospital
16th December 2015

Mr Winston Kim was recommended to me by a private Physio who had diagnosed my hip impingement and recommended him as the surgeon with the right expertise to treat my condition. As the surgery was an 'Opted' for surgery it was important that I had total faith in the surgeon who was doing the surgery, after all you only have one pair of legs and hips... Right from my first consultation and diagnosis, he undertook all the necessary tests and routine procedures to ensure that the pain I was experiencing was definitely hip pain, even after my first cortisone injection which delivered zero results and raised a question mark about the surgery, he listened to my symptoms and took onboard all the information and reports from my physio and decided that a second cortisone injection by his own surgical team would fully diagnose the condition - i was so pleased he opted for this rather than fobbing me off with a negative result diagnosis, as the results were polar opposites, the pain was eliminated within the first few days and I was pain free for the first time in two years, the effects lasted a total of 6 months. Based on these results he was confident that the opted for surgery would deliver a real difference to my quality of life and signed me off as a candidate for surgery, this was amazing news and only as a result of his experience and understanding of the condition that I was burdened with. Needless to say the surgery went without a hitch, he had more work than anticipated as is the case with this condition, you are never fully aware of the problems until you are in surgery, with this in mind my recovery period was longer than anticipated due to micro fracturing that they had to perform (this hadn't been anticipated), the after care at Salford Royal and the surgical team was second to none and I would have no hesitation in recommending Winston Kim and his team, in fact I already have done several times. I have just passed the 4 month post op period and i can honestly say the difference in pain, mobility and general quality of life is already showing in many ways, the surgery has completely changed my ability and i am no longer sitting and standing like a 90 year old woman, and its thanks to Winston Kim that I am feeling as good as I am and that the results are as positive as they are, I am so glad that I researched and took advice on the surgeon who was most suited to my surgery, he knowledge and understanding of my condition and the importance of understanding its complexities and issues meant he was able to diagnose and perform the correct level of surgery to alienate the condition and pain i was in previously. Thank you.

7th December 2015

Having had an issue with my knee, Mr Winston Kim was suggested by my GP along with a few other orthopaedic surgeons to consult. I made some research and found the online reviews and website he has extremely helpful in making my choice to consult him. I met with him and felt completely at ease with him. He is a complete professional, happy to take all the time necessary to explain all possibilities and implications of each. Having elected for surgery I am now 6 weeks post-op and have been visiting one of Mr Kim's recommended physiotherapists weekly. This has helped me rebuild the strength in my leg and get back to what is a near normal state for me. He did make it very clear that surgery was one of a few options available, however to take full advantage of this corrective surgery I had to commit to the required post-op rehab, including daily exercises that were out of my comfort zone and frequent ice packs to the knee to reduce swelling. I would happily recommend Mr Kim, and will undoubtedly consult him again should I have any orthopaedic problem.

3rd December 2015

Been to see Mr Kim today six weeks post surgery on my second TKR and i havent had much pain at all with either op .I did the ice every two hours and did my excercises regular with the help of Sarah in physio too.Mr Kim i could totally recommend to anyone who needs this op i was lucky i did my homework on line when i knew i needed this opand was lucky i came across Mr Kim myself after reading about different surgeons that do this op and so glad i did as now im pain free Thanks Mr Kim

2nd December 2015

After suffering with knee pain for five years, I was finally referred to Mr Winston Kim. I was very impressed by the prep talk prior to the operation and was left in no doubt that it wasn't going to be a walk in the park. It was clearly explained to me that a lot depended on my willingness to rake on board everything that would be asked of me during the recovery period and the wonderful physiotherapists that oversee my progress in rehabilitation. Six months on I have absolutely no pain in my knee and am able to ride my bike and all the sleepless nights are just a distant memory. Mrs S. Gasiorowski (age71)


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Specialist Hip & Knee Surgeon, with an interest in early arthritis and sports injuries of the hip and knee, and after effects of sports injuries. Large practice of hip and knee arthroscopy (Keyhole hip and knee surgery) for early arthritis, hip and knee replacements (>150 joint replacements performed a year) and ACL reconstruction.