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Written by a patient at Queen Alexandra Hospital
20th September 2019

I would recommend Mr Kane to everyone who requires a Hip replacement. The initial appointments made with him led to a properly informed decision to go ahead with this operation. Both the inpatient care by Mr Kane AND His Team was second to none. The outcome of the operation has been that I am now Pain-Free. Brilliant.

Written by a patient at Queen Alexandra Hospital
13th August 2019

I had great confidence in mr kane and knew I was in safe professional hands

Written by a patient at Queen Alexandra Hospital
17th December 2018

I found Mr T Kane a very caring and brilliant surgeon and if I needed similar surgery would like to be treated by him

Written by a patient at Queen Alexandra Hospital
30th September 2018

Following several years of pain in my hip to the point where my mobility and quality of life were becoming increasingly limited I decided to discuss the situation with my G.P. Initially I was referred to physio and I followed this for 5 months knowing that it would never cure the problem which continued to get worse. My G.P. then referred me to Mr Tim Kane which was the turning point in my recovery programme. My x-rays showed a progressive osteoarthritic condition which was worthy of a total hip replacement. However, I suffer from myeloedisplastic syndrome which means I bleed during surgery (basic explanation). Mr Kane was brilliant in explaining that he had experienced this during his career but did not know that his patient had this. He spoke of worries from both his side and mine and before he would do surgery he would thoroughly consult with my Haematologist so that every precaution would be taken prior to and during surgery. Once he had received the review he set the wheels in motion and I found myself in surgery this Monday. Yes I did bleed but having taken precautions some of my blood loss was able to be saved, filtered and given back to me. Following time in recovery suite I was taken back to my ward and continuously monitored throughout the night. Tuesday morning I was visited by registrar who requested blood tests and xrays as he had been advised by Mr Kane who had phoned him on his day off. This having been done I was put through a physio routine and deemed by them as safe to be let loose. Mr Kane came to see me Wednesday morning and we spoke about the procedure, whys, wherefore and so on. Both happy he said that I could return home to expiate my recovery! I am a little bruised but oh so worth it because I am walking without pain! I will see him in 8 weeks for a review. Mr Kane is a true professional, very thorough and totally honest. I am blessed to have been referred to him and cared for throughout by his lovely, friendly team during surgery. In my very few meetings with him I felt totally at ease and fully prepared to let him carry out my surgery with the proviso that if he had a problem in surgery then I was happy to let him make whatever decision he needed for him to complete the procedure. Three short days have thoroughly changed my life for the better. The many operations that I have had previously had been necessary to save my life but this was a decision that I made to enhance the life given back to me following cancer x 2. If you are feeling unsure just believe me when I say how your life will change for the better. The elective surgery staff are amazing on the wards and will have you up and running in such a short time that you think they must all love their job. They are happy, cheerful and very attentive to your needs. Don’t are not “ill” but incapacitated by your condition which will rapidly improve following surgery and physio and then you following all the advice. Thank you Mr Kane. Kindest regards, Toni Williams.

Written by a patient at Spire Portsmouth Hospital
15th February 2017

I am am a 65yr old women, who had only been in hospital twice in her life (to give birth to my two children) so when I was told that I needed a full knee replacement you can imagine how apprehensive I was of going into hospital for the operation. From the consultation with Dr Kane, I was put at ease, I was very impressed with how much time he took with me to explain the procedure and the aftercare which I would need. When the time came to go into the Spire hospital, everything, from the very helpful receptionist, to the nurses that talked me through everything, the quality of care that was shown was exceptional and put me at ease. I was lucky enough to go down to the theatre first thing, where once again the anaesthetist talked me through what he was going to do and although nervous I felt that I was in safe hands. After my operation, Dr Kane visited me on numerous occasions to monitor my progress and recovery during my four day stay at the Spire Hospital. Dr Kane recommended that I start physiotherapy within the week of my operation, upon his advice I did this and it was by far the best way forward for me and really did improve my recovery rate. I would like to say a very big thank you to Dr Kane and all the team.


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery


Mr Kane is a NHS consultant trauma & orthopaedic surgeon at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth.

He combines a busy elective hip and knee replacement surgery practice with general orthopaedic trauma and is part of the on call rota at QA hospital.

Mr Kane also consults privately at Spire Portsmouth Hospital and The Harbour Suite at QAH.