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Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
8th March 2020

In October 2019 Mr Stephen Guy carried out a total right knee replacement for me at the Yorkshire Clinic, Bingley, West Yorkshire, I’m a 58 year old male and generally very active. This has been a great success as I had been in considerable pain and hobbling about on my knee for over 2 years prior to the operation. In my late teens I had a serious RTA breaking my femur in two places and it’s believed that my knee also suffered a trauma during the accident. Over the years Oestio arthritis had developed in my knee and this eventually got the better of me. During my initial consultation with Mr Guy my confidence in him was established very quickly as he listened to me carefully as I described my symptoms and then following a review of my Xray’s he explained his diagnosis very clearly, concisely and kindly. I was treated with great respect by Mr Guy and his entire team at all times, both pre-op and post-op. The Anaesthetists, Nurses and Physiotherapists were also all brilliant. 5 months on I have no pain and I’m walking very strongly, I’m back at work and there is only a very neat scar remaining as evidence of the operation. I couldn't have wished a better Surgeon. One very important thing to note however is that I have carried out the exercises given by the Physiotherapists as instructed from day one and continued to exercise as recommended. Mr Guy also explained to me that it can take many months for the replacement parts to "bed in" and my knee to feel normal again. I highly recommend Mr Guy to anyone considering a total knee replacement and if I ever require the other knee doing I will be insisting that My Guy is my surgeon.

Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
17th February 2020

I am extremely grateful for the care I received from consultation through to surgery and to discharging. The procedure on the day went as smoothly as possible and when I say I have been painfree from the minute I walked out of the hospital it is no exaggeration. I am recovering and rehabilitating better than I could have imagined and will soon be back to full fitness.

Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
10th February 2020

Mr Guy replaced both of my knees with surgery approx 9 months apart. Before, during and after care was excellent and very thorough, which I feel was instrumental in a quick and full recovery. Thanks to Mr Guy my mobility is better than it has been for many years and my quality of life greatly improved because of it. He has always found time to answer all my questions and I have never, ever, felt like I was being rushed. I cannot rate this surgeon high enough, 5 stars seems rather inadequate.

Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
3rd February 2020

On 4th February 2019 I had a knee replacement operated on by Mr. Guy. It was a complete success and on 3rd February 2020 I had a review with Mr. Guy. I have no pain in my knee whatsoever and am so grateful to him and all concerned. Mr. Guy is down to earth and talks in a layman's language that is easy to understand, putting a patient's mind at ease. Whilst in the Yorkshire clinic hospital I was treated with respect and dignity. Thanks again to Mr. Guy.

Written by a patient at Bradford Royal Infirmary
13th January 2020

In July 2010 I suffered a patella tendon rupture in my right knee. This was the culmination of a chronic problem which had gone on for about 15 years. I suspect the steroid injections I had in my tendon in my teens could have contributed to the rupture. I had the repair done but that didn’t wasn’t the end of my problems re the knee. The tendon felt very tight and uncomfortable. I reported this to the orthopaedic team in my post op follow ups but I felt they did not see it as a problem claiming that this was the best I could hope for. Since the repair in 2010 I always felt that someday the tendon would tear again. In April 2018 I took my son to the park and the most innocuous of slips caused my tendon to rupture again. Having been admitted to the orthopaedic ward at the BRI one of the first things a junior doctor said was that I was so lucky. As you can imagine I didn’t feel lucky but I allowed the doctor to explain. He went onto tell me that the repair would be carried out by one Mr Guy who was some what of a specialist in sports knee injuries. I’m sure my scepticism could be forgiven. The next morning I met Mr Guy and his team. Mr guy explained his plan for the repair which could have been just a repair with some metal installed to stabilise and support the tendon or a worst case scenario where reconstructive surgery would be required which would involve taking tendon from other muscles to facilitate the repair. This time round my experience felt different already. Mr Guy explained in detail but also listened to my concerns. I felt we came to some mutually agreeable decisions unlike in 2010 where everything seemed to be rushed through. After the operation I was able to leave the hospital on the same day and after the initial three month rehab period I can honestly say my tendon and knee felt much better than after the first repair. Whilst I was some what disheartened by the seemingly slow progress Mr Guy was re-assuring. Then In the winter of 2018 the saga of my fabled knee took another twist. Somehow inexplicably I managed to break some of the metal wiring in my knee which led to significant pain and discomfort. My go referred me back to Mr Guy who said it was best if the metal was removed. I was very apprehensive about another operation on the knee. Eventually Mr Guy said I should think about over the summer if 2019 and come back and see him to give him my decision. In November 2019 I had the metal work removed. Don’t tell Mr Guy but 2 hours after the operation I walked out of the hospital about a mile to my friends house where my car was and drive back home to Huddersfield In my recent 6 week post op appointment with Mr Guy I told him the truth which was my knee felt so much better than at any time in the last 10 or so years and he had done a fantastic job. Mr Guy is a man who is understanding, professional whilst not taking himself too seriously and an all round top bloke. I hope you read this Mr Guy, you did an excellent job and the results are better than I had expected so thankyou


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I was appointed as a substantive consultant in 2011 at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as a consultant knee surgeon.

I trained both in the North-East and in Yorkshire for my Higher Surgical Training and finished off with two competitive knee surgery fellowships.

I have a great team of people now around me who are passionate about improving patient care - from our sports knee injury clinics to academic research taking place in our hospital and stimulating research in other hospitals. I have many research interests and have published randomised controlled trials.

I am open and honest in my consultation style and driven about improving patient care and as such have joined this website.

I would be grateful if you would take some time in leaving me feedback.

Kind regards,