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Written by a patient at King's College Hospital
18th September 2018

I had a very badly shattered elbow and Mr. Karthik Karuppaiah has fixed it good as new. I really couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome. When the accident happened I was very concerned as my other arm only has only about 80% movement after another accident in my teenage years. So, I’m so happy that Mr. Karuppaiah has done such a fantastic job on my arm. It’s like the accident never happened and he is such a nice guy too, very reassuring and calming, especially in hospital when I was quite distressed.

14th September 2018

Dr Karuppaiah was brilliant from day 1. Professional, friendly and honest, one of the best doctors I've had the pleasure of meeting. I couldn't have asked for a more qualified and talented professional either.

Written by a patient at King's College Hospital
11th September 2018

In April 2018 Mr Karuppaiah surgically corrected severe (90 degree) Dupuytren's Contracture in my left ring finger and less severe contracture in my little finger. Four months on, and following excellent aftercare from Mr Karuppaiah and the hand clinic at Kings both fingers are straight and I have complete return of grip and function. The scars are healed and sensation is returning. The quality of care I have received from my first outpatient appointment with Mr Karrupaiah right up until discharge from his clinic today reminds me how lucky we are to have an NHS and to have surgeons like Mr Karrupiah willing to work within it, despite the attendant pressures. Thank you.

Written by a patient at Queen Mary's Hospital
11th September 2018

I have been under the are of Dr Karuppaiah for over four years. He is an extremely knowledgeable, caring, patient and determined surgeon. He made me feel that he genuinely cared about me regaining full use of my arm and being symptom free. I am happy to say that at this moment in time, this is the case and although I am still building up the strength in my arm, the symptoms I had previously are no longer there. I am so grateful for the time, care and expertise he has given to get me to where I am now.

Written by a patient at Queen Mary's Hospital
11th September 2018

I have been under the are of Dr Karuppaiah for over four years. He is an extremely knowledgeable, caring, patient and determined surgeon. He made me feel that he genuinely cared about me regaining full use of my arm and being symptom free. I am happy to say that at this moment in time, this is the case and although I am still building up the strength in my arm, the symptoms I had previously are no longer there. I am so grateful for the time, care and expertise he has given to get me to where I am now.


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Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Special interest in Shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist surgery

Mr Karuppaiah joined as a Consultant in King’s College Hospital, London, in 2014 following completion of his advanced training in shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist surgeries. With this experience, he manages a wide range of orthopaedic conditions affecting the shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist. His clinical expertise is comprehensive evaluation and management of sports injuries, arthritis, nerve and tendon problems in the upper limb. He also treats multiply injured patients, at King’s College Hospital, one of the busiest Major Trauma Centres in the UK and also provides tertiary referral service for complex upper-limb conditions.

He regularly lectures both nationally and internationally at leading conferences and training courses and continues to teach the modern orthopaedic techniques to trainees. He is intensely involved in teaching and training the trainees from SE Thames Orthopaedic rotation.

He is a faculty member in King’s FRCS intense revision course, Hand surgery FRCS (Orth) revision course and Medway Upper-limb course and is a clinical and educational supervisor for foundation year and speciality training doctors. He is a keen teacher who teaches orthopaedics to undergraduate students at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Medical Schools.

He has a brilliant academic career and has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed indexed journals. He has special interests in upper-limb research and has won several research accolades both at the national and international levels. His research work is cited by numerous authors, journals and orthopaedic textbooks. He is a member of the editorial board and is also a reviewer of various international scientific orthopaedic journals.