Mr James Kirkby-Bott was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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8th June 2022

The whole procedure went as explained, and the Nursing care immediately after the procedure was excellent, however, I think I overdid things in the first week of recovery and played at a Gig on Day 5 and this was a mistake! Very uncomfortable in bed for the first 72 hours. I also made the mistake of easing off the pain relief too quickly within the first week. I quickly went back onto it for a few more days and it was a noticeable help. In retrospect, if I have followed the advice given more closely I would have had a better outcome over the first one or two weeks. Some two months down the line everything has healed as it should and I feel absolutely fine - I am back Gigging on a regular basis. Going "Private" at my age, 78, was an excellent decision!

Written by a private patient at Spire Southampton Hospital
12th May 2022

As soon as I was diagnosed with an infected gallbladder, I began a search online for a Gallbladder surgeon, I read many testimonials, but felt drawn to Mr Kirkby-Bott after reading comments such as ‘Calm and concise manner’, ‘the level of care and professionalism was exceptional’ and ‘He is an extremely professional but obviously caring man with a genuine interest in getting me better! I felt totally safe in his hands, and he was very supportive throughout my journey’. All of the above are true of Mr Kirkby-Bott. From my first consultation to my last follow up appointment, I’ve felt a genuine on Erin for my health and wellbeing. At the first consultation, he cleared up the misinformation I’d been given about gallbladder surgery and pre op and post op eating. If you follow the instructions on his website regarding the Gallbladder pre op and post op, you’ll enjoy the excellent experience that I did. Originally, I was sick and weak from the gallbladder infections, but just 2 days after my surgery I felt the best I had been in just over 2 years. After surgery I had no pain, just a little discomfort and now 2 months later, I have 4 thin scratch lines on my torso as reminders. In time, I can see, they will heal to be virtually invisible. I’m most grateful for his skill as a surgeon, his professionalism as a consultant and his compassion as a human.His kindness, sincere caring and concern made everything better and we’re all a great encouragement in my recovery. Thanks must also go to his support team of colleagues who contributed to what could have been a fearful experience, but was made into a very enjoyable one. I can’t thank you enough for giving me back my health, as that is priceless. Every day of my life will be better because of you. Norma Stephenson - May 2022

Written by a private patient at Spire Southampton Hospital
12th May 2022

As soon as I was diagnosed with an infected gallbladder, I began a search online for a Gallbladder surgeon. I read many testimonials, but felt drawn to Mr Kirkby-Bott after reading comments such as ‘Calm and concise manner’, ‘the level of care and professionalism was exceptional’ and ‘He is an extremely professional but obviously caring man with a genuine interest in getting me better! I felt totally safe in his hands, and he was very supportive throughout my journey’. All of the above are true of Mr Kirkby-Bott. From my first consultation to my last follow up appointment, I’ve felt a genuine concern for my health and wellbeing. At the first consultation, he cleared up the incorrect information I’d been given about gallbladder surgery and pre op and post op eating. If you follow the instructions on his website regarding the Gallbladder pre op and post op, you’ll enjoy the excellent experience that I did. Originally, I was sick and weak from the gallbladder infections, but just 2 days after my surgery I felt the best I had been in just over 2 years. After surgery, I had no pain, just a little discomfort and now 2 months later, I have 4 thin scratch lines on my torso as reminders. In time, I can see, they will heal to be virtually invisible. I’m most grateful for his skill as a surgeon, his professionalism as a consultant and his compassion as a human. His kindness, sincere caring and concern made everything better and were all a great encouragement in my recovery. Thanks, must also go to his support team of colleagues who contributed to what could have been a fearful experience, but was made into a very enjoyable one. I can’t thank you enough for giving me back my health, as that is priceless. Every day of my life will be better because of you. Norma Stephenson – May 2022

17th May 2022
Response from Mr James Kirkby-Bott

Thank you for your review and feedback. I am really glad that surgery worked well for you. It is really interesting hearing your experience. You seemed to be suffering a lot from your gallbladder when we met and surgery worked so quickly for you. I feel very privileged to have been able to help you get your life back. I hope you enjoy it.

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Health Wessex Hospital
7th April 2022

After having a child I started to experience crippling stomach pain which had me in A&E 3 times. I was diagnosed as having gallstones by the NHS and after experiencing the disabling pain, I decided to seek private help. Within 1 week of contacting Mr Kirkby-Botts team, I was booked in for my first consultation and potential surgery date. At my consultation everything was described with precision which really put my mind at ease prior to the surgery, all eventualities were ticked off and I was sent for an MRI to ensure I was diagnosed correctly and the stones were confined to my gallbladder and not the bile ducts also. This again aided my confidence in the surgery success. Just 3 weeks after contracting Mr Kirkby-Bott, my gallbladder was out and I’m completely pain and complication free! My scars are minimal and my recovery was shorter than anticipated. Very happy with my results and can’t thank him and his team enough!

Written by a private patient at Spire Southampton Hospital
7th February 2022

Symptoms of a hyperparathyroid can be numerous and often (as in my case) present at different times, frequently being thought to be something else and were, for perhaps more than 16 years or more, in my case. Finally my GP Surgery referred me to Southampton General and, after a number of tests, hyperparathyroidism was finally confirmed. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic a prospective operation on the HNS was delayed with no indication of when it might be possible so I took the private route which led to my introduction to Mr Kirkby-Bott. How I wish I had been referred to him years ago! Without delay my surgery was arranged and he has an excellent team supporting him. From my first consultancy with him through my operation and post op meeting I have had every confidence that I was in safe hands.


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I am an endocrine, hernia, gallbladder and general surgeon in Hampshire UK. Details on

I am the leading surgeon at Hernia Clinic Hampshire ( that specialises in simple local anaesthetic hernia repairs. Local anaesthetic hernia repair is available to all age groups and underlying medical conditions and has a faster recovery than general anaesthetic and keyhole repairs.

Trained in the endocrinology of surgical disease Wessex endocrine provides expert surgical endocrinology advice on all aspects of surgical and non surgical care for thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal disorders.

I also provide gallbladder, emergency surgery and soft tissue lump surgery.