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Written by a patient at The John Radcliffe
1st September 2018

In February 2018 I was assigned Mr. Soleymani Majd to perform the first diagnostic laparoscopy for my 3c ovarian cancer. I had never met him and was asked if I would mind waiting post op for him to call on me and discuss the findings and future treatment plan. He was charming, courteous and respected my intellect. He spoke with me as an equal and took a great deal of time to explain the true horror of my cancer without being sensationalist nor making false promises.We managed some light hearted banter amongst the gloom and that takes a very caring specialist to bother. He had clearly had an exhausting day but his enthusiasm for enlightening me was greatly encouraging. In the event of my MAJOR surgery in May 2018 I was re assigned to Mr. Roberto Tozzi so would just like to reiterate how the help of Mr. Soleymani Majd gave me the strength and knowledge to persevere despite my prognosis being poor. Consequently I recommend this surgeon most highly particularly for his honesty and gentle manner.


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Specialises in

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Mr Hooman Soleymani Majd is a leading consultant gynaecological oncology surgeon based in Oxford. He is expert in minimally invasive procedures, colposcopy and laparoscopy and also specialises in the treatment of ovarian cancer, placenta accreta spectrum and other gynaecological pathologies.

Mr Soleymani Majd qualified in medicine in 2000, before relocating to London to specialise in obstetrics and gynaecology. He later moved to Oxford where he completed his postgraduate training programme and obtained membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Following this, Mr Soleymani Majd undertook several years of sub-specialist training in gynaecological oncology while based at Oxford’s Churchill Cancer Centre. He has held the position of consultant in gynaecological oncology at the Churchill Hospital since 2016 and is also an BSCCP accredited colposcopist. He sees private patients at Gynaecology Care Oxford.

Mr Soleymani Majd is a leading name in medical education and is involved in teaching medical trainees, registrars and fellows in various settings, including as an accredited colposcopist and trainer for the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology and at the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy’s annual workshop. Additionally, he holds the position of honorary senior clinical lecturer in gynaecological oncology surgery at the University of Oxford.

Mr Soleymani Majd continues to be actively involved in research, in particular as part of an Oxford-based research group with a special interest in new developments in surgical techniques in ultra-radical surgery for advanced ovarian cancer. His clinical research papers are widely published in peer reviewed journals and he regularly presents at national and international gynaecological oncology congresses. Additionally, Mr Soleymani Majd is an editorial board member and reviewer for a number of highly respected academic journals in his field, including the European Journal of Gynaecology Oncology and the Journal of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Cancer Research.