Mr Chinmay Gupte was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a carer at St Mary's Hospital
9th December 2016

My son (15 years) was fortunate enough to be treated by Mr Gupte and received excellent pre-care, surgery and then follow up care. He is very personable and listened to all the details and retained these for follow up sessions. My son is now making a good recovery.

Written by a patient at The Wellington Hospital
1st December 2016

Mr Gupte is an extremely competent, considerate and conservative surgeon. 14 months after my sports knee injury when I had a locked knee, I decided to go private on self pay basis rather than continue on the NHS. Mr Gupte was recommended by 3 medical professionals (my GP, NHS and private physio) and I am really pleased he agreed to take on my care. All aspects of my care and the medical outcome have far exceeded my expectations. I was able to get an apt fairly quickly (Mr Gupte also does Sat apts!), the medical review and advice were thorough and honest, the follow up letters from consultation were detailed and helped me better understand the options and implications. In the context of previous conflicting MRI reports, Mr Gupte took the time to fully explain the possible outcomes. He was incredibly patient with my questions as I tried to get a view of rehab logistics and long term implications. Mr Gupte was also very sensitive to the financial implications of the procedure and my situation. I truly appreciated his willingness to operate on a date and hospital which suited me better. Mr Gupte commands great respect and admiration from hospital staff (phlebotomist, technicians, nurses, physios) and I almost felt I was treated so well by them as I was his patient! His excellent communication and team work with anaesthetist and physios is very evident. It is commendable that a busy surgeon makes the time to build these working relationships which no doubt help in the overall positive medical outcomes for his patients. As for my procedure, the operated site was super neat and has healed extremely well. Most of the swelling subsided within 12 hours of the surgery, and the negligible pain in couple of days. I was able to weight bear sans crutches the day of the surgery itself, and for increasing duration over the next few days. I had full ROM in less than a week post surgery. Most importantly, finally after 15 months, I was able to fully flex and extend my knee!! 6 weeks on from the surgery, the knee feels better than it has done for months. With physio well underway, I am looking forward to returning to my normal sporting activities imminently. Only wish I had the procedure done a year ago. If you are reading this review because of a knee issue, based on my experience, I suggest an early intervention and would strongly recommend Mr Gupte as the orthopaedic surgeon \ consultant.

Written by a patient at The Wellington Hospital
20th September 2016

Dr Gupte is an outstanding surgeon. He is one of the very few surgeons I have met who have the human touch and really makes you feel at ease, and also at the same time he is very thorough and realistic in his advice. He treated a niggling knee issue for me, and he carried out the surgery extremely well as now all my issues have been resolved. I very strongly recommend him.

Written by a patient at The Wellington Hospital
2nd September 2016

I had been having pain in my right knee for a year or so. I saw Mr Gupte who after examination and a scan recommended an Arthroscopy due to a torn medial meniscus. He clearly explained all the options and possible complications but felt this was the best way to minimise the discomfort. I took his advice, the operation was carried out and seems to have been very successful. The pain is greatly reduced, almost to the point of not being present at all. Afterwards Mr Gupte went through what I should be doing to maximise the benefits to my knee and is happy to take a follow up call should I experience any further problem. I was really happy with all aspects of my treatment.

Written by a patient at The Wellington Hospital
16th August 2016

Mr. Gupte diagnosed a torn meniscus and due to my medical history suggested not to operate. He recommended a certain excercise routine and a good physiotherapist. Two month later I am free from pain and on the road to full recovery.


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery