Miss Rekha Wuntakal was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Queen's Hospital
7th November 2021

My mum had been suffering for 3 years with abdominal pain. She had been passed from one department to the other but it was under the care of Miss Wuntakal that I feel she was most listened to. Miss Wantukal put herself out to ensure that my mum was prioritised. She listened, cared and acted. She saved her. Couldn't be more grateful

Written by a NHS patient at Queen's Hospital
4th November 2021

This Dr was very informative, let me know everything that was going to be done in detail. She was very polite and friendly and very caring.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen's Hospital
1st November 2021

Miss Wuntakal is incredible and exactly the kind of consultant that you want looking after you - engaged, experienced and compassionate. I came under Miss Wuntakal’s care after unfortunately suffering an abdominal abscess. When treating me, Miss Wuntakal took great care to understand my full history; through carefully listening to me, her colleagues who had been present during previous procedures I’ve had and even contacting external consultants who have treated me. She’s clearly held in high regard by her colleagues as all other nurses, doctors and consultants commented that she was the best person to operate on me due to her experience and expertise. Mis Wuntakal explained everything to me in an easy-to-understand way and I felt entirely comfortable in her care. She followed up with me afterwards on ad-hoc ward visits and rang me upon being discharged to make sure I was still doing well. I could not be more grateful for Miss Wuntakal and the rest of Sunrise B’s fantastic care.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen's Hospital
28th October 2021

I had my follow up consultation with Miss Wuntakal yesterday 27/10/2021. Inspite of an extremely busy clinic, Miss Wuntakal always takes her time with each individual patient. As always, I was given the opportunity to share any concerns and I felt listened to and respected; and left feeling reassured. Mandy one of the Clinical Nurse Specialists was also present and she helped me to feel relaxed and cared for too. Miss Wuntakal is an extremly caring, kind and generous person in terms of the time she gives to her patients; and I am very grateful that she is my consultant. Thank you.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen's Hospital
27th October 2021

I was being mucked around with the hospital for many days. Planned surgery 2 times, cancelled them all and waited around for days for an MRI. The hospital then put me in for surgery again and it was cancelled right before I was due to go in. Rekha came to my ward to explain everything to me, why it was cancelled and why I needed an MRI first. She put in a complaint on my behalf due to me being so mucked around, called the MRI team to make sure that they saw me that day and called me a week later with my MRI results so I wasn't worried. I was due a call back with my results and to book surgery a week after receiving her phone call and she said that if they don't get me sorted within 4 weeks to call her personally and she will help me further. She is really understanding, compassionate and has really helped to turn such a negative experience that should've been sorted in 2020 around for me! Thank you Rekha!


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Specialises in

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Nearest Obstetricians and gynaecologists