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Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
12th July 2017

A week after my inguinal hernia operation I feel great. I felt good about Martin Kurzer operating on me because his calm assured manner and thorough explanation of the procedure made me feel that I was in safe hands. That proved to be very much the case. I was seen for a consultation on a Thursday and had the operation the following Wednesday. I felt slightly apprehensive but the smoothness of everything at the Hospital of St. John and St Elizabeth made me feel confident that all would go to plan. Mr Kurzer came to see me to explain some details There was a brief wait in my room then a nurse told me to get changed and explained the process. She was followed by the anaesthetist who explained some more. Then I went to the theatre area and felt like a part of the action. The needle in the back of my hand did not hurt a bit and although I was told that I would feel woozy everything was just as normal - I felt completely me. Then they wheeled me back to the room and I rested for a while until a pre-ordered lunch arrived. I had the operation but I knew nothing about it at all. No recollection whatsoever. I took a taxi home a few hours later and felt calm and had no pain. There was no need for painkillers nor has there been throughout. Mr Kurzer called me the following morning to ask how I felt. I felt good. I rose later than usual but felt completely ok. The following day I went for a walk and all was normal. A week later I feel very little discomfort. I have to be careful with some movements but otherwise all is good. This is improving each day and its good to see the progress back to full normality. Mr Kurzer and his team are so professional and so good that I have nothing but admiration for for their work. I paid for the operation myself (having no insurance) and it was excellent value because it has brought me from a state of being in some distress to being back to how I want to be. The whole experience was positive. The outcome is positive. I feel positive. I would recommend Mr Kurzer to anyone who wants the best. My only previous operation was having my tonsils removed in 1962 and I have had some dentistry so I am not an expert. But I know a good thing when I am lucky enough for it to come my way. And this was a totally good thing. Nick Lerner July 2017

Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
9th July 2017

I had the misfortune to suffer a femoral hernia some two years after receiving treatment for an inguinal (I'm going to take great care in the future to avoid a full house!). However, after the initial horror of realising what had happened at a time when I simply could not afford to be laid up, Martin Kurzer was extremely reassuring, and arranged for the op' quickly and efficiently. I had general anaesthetic and had to stay in one night, but the whole experience was extremely stress-free, and I suffered little or no pain and discomfort afterwards. The incision has healed perfectly, and I am now hardly aware of it at all. Thank you Martin, and all your helpful and caring staff, for making such a potentially traumatic event ultimately so satisfactorily resolved!

Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
18th May 2017

Having received inguinal hernia advice along with the incidence of chronic pain in my location, I was advised to research the matter further on the internet. I spent a considerable time doing this. It became clear that an opinion from a leading London hernia specialist was essential. A consultation with Martin Kurzer was arranged on 23 March 2017. He was reassuring and clearly knowledgeable. I decided to let him undertake the primary open hernia repair with mesh on 26 April 2017 at the age of 67. The hernia repair with a local anesthetic and sedation, involving an overnight stay in hospital, went well. There was no noticeable pain thereafter other than soreness at the incision site. Soreness getting in and out of bed, getting up from a sofa or low chair and putting on socks and shoes, but not when walking. This lasted for about six days, slowly diminishing after the third day. Within 48 hours I walked three miles on the flat with my wife with no problems whatsoever. On the ninth day, I went to the gym and did twenty minutes on the crosstrainer, just one level down from my usual mid-level resistance. Now some three weeks later, the swelling has practically gone and the area is not really sensitive to touch. I look forward to playing competitive tennis in another three weeks. There is much positively said about selecting a specialist hernia surgeon at a hernia centre for the best outcome. This has very much been my case and I would recommend Martin Kurzer's skills in the area of hernia surgery. Not only is he excellent, he has a very good anesthetist along with a caring team at the Hospital of St John & St. Elizabeth, London.

Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
16th May 2017

When I saw Mr Kurzer about my inguinal hernia, "nervous" does not fully describe my state of mind. In fact I was in a state of terror about having an operation for the first time in my life. I might even have seemed hysterical, but I remember that Mr Kurzer calmed my fears and made me feel that I was in the best possible hands. He was very approachable and accessible, which made everything much easier. The operation went very smoothly and without incident. I did have some post operative pain, but after a few weeks that was gone and now I have no problems at all with the repair. I would recommend him 100% and if I ever had to have another hernia repair, I would turn to him without reservation.

Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
14th May 2017

I went under the knife for the first time in my life on the 26 April this year to fix an inguinal hernia. I had one, very quick, pre-op meeting with Mr Kurzer which had confirmed the need for surgery and then was booked in a couple of weeks later. The day itself went very smoothly with great support from all the staff I met. Just before the surgery itself it was decided that I would go under a general anesthetic which was fine by me, I was very happy to go to sleep and wake up with it all over! It's now two and a half weeks later and I cannot believe how well the recovery has gone. The scar is a small, neat red line and, while there is still some tenderness around the area of the incision, I've really not been in any great pain and have taken nothing more than a handful of Ibruprofen in the first few days. Mr Kurzer called me the morning after and has been in contact by text since. I'm looking forward to seeing him this week for my post-op consultation and expect to be fully returned to health within the next few weeks.


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Specialises in

  • General surgery


Martin Kurzer is a specialist hernia surgeon.
He joined the British Hernia Centre in 1991, and now has his own practice based at the Hospital of St John and Elizabeth, London NW8.

His surgical training was at University College Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital, London. He then spent two years in the USA returning in 1987, when he went into full time private practice.

His main interests are in local anaesthetic day-case surgery, the use of tension free mesh and the repair of complex recurrent groin hernias.

He speaks regularly at UK and international conferences and has published numerous peer reviewed articles and book chapters on all aspects of hernia surgery. He is a keen supporter of the charity ‘Operation Hernia’ ( and visited Ghana with the charity in 2009. He is a co-founder, and is currently president, of the British Hernia Society.