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Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
12th August 2019

I live overseas. I contacted Martin for a consultation and surgery after I had been advised locally that I had a inguinal hernia in the same location where I had previously had hernia surgery in 2011 (hence a recurrent hernia was suspected). Once I had contacted his office, he contacted me promptly. We exchanged many e-mails and I was obviously impressed when he also took the time to call me to discuss the situation. I flew in to the UK on a Tuesday morning, my consultation with Martin was that afternoon and the surgery had been arranged for the following day. Once he examined me, he realised things were not as they had appeared to my local Hernia doctor and also to the local ultrasound scan Technician - Within an hour he arranged another ultrasound scan and, after reviewing everything with that Technician, concluded that I did not have a hernia and that surgery was not necessary. I was obviously very pleased to receive a proper diagnosis for my problem, and also very relieved to hear that surgery was not necessary. I was able to fly home and resume my normal sporting activities. Martin was amazing – He is obviously very skilled and experienced, and also highly knowledgeable and passionate about his work, but he is also easy to talk to, very friendly, charismatic and caring. I feel very fortunate to have found him, and would highly recommend him to anyone with a hernia problem.

Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
7th August 2019

I saw Mr Kurzer for a second opinion, following 2 separate surgical interventions for an inguinal hernia and a recommendation that I should have further surgery after continuing pain. I wanted advice on whether this was a sensible course of action. He was extremely helpful, sympathetic and easy to talk to. He spent a considerable amount of time with me, hearing the full details of my case and asking questions. He then gave me excellent, clear advice that has avoided me having further surgery. My pain has been receding and I am incredibly grateful to him for the advice that he gave. I am aware that I can go back to him for further help should I need it and this is greatly reassuring. I would highly recommend him.

Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
4th August 2019

Found Mr Kurzer to be totally professional empathetic and a thoroughly fantastic person to deal with . From our first meeting had the utmost confidence in him and was totally satisfied with the surgery and the pre op and post op care at St John and St Elizabeth hospital. Felt confident in a safe pair of hands and was more than satisfied

Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
31st July 2019

I am an 83-year-old man living in Wiltshire UK. In 2016 my left inguinal hernia was repaired by a general surgeon chosen by my private insurer AXA-PPP ("open referral" system). In May 2019 it came undone. My GP could not guarantee an NHS fix before my planned trip to the US, so I decided to self pay. Impressed by London Hernia's website, I met with Martin Kurzer and was even more impressed by his knowledge, experience and care. I traveled to London the day before for my pre-op assessment at St John's and St Elizabeth's Hospital and reported the next morning at 7am. I had an open cut mesh repair under general anaesthetic with an overnight stay. The next morning Mr Kurzer removed the drain tube, checked me out and said I was OK to go home. I caught the Jubilee line to Waterloo, then the train home and was met by my wife at the station. Compared with my 2016 operation, this has been a miracle. Then I was in agony whenever I changed from sitting to standing and vice versa, and painkillers (ibuprofin, paracetemol) didn't do anything. This time I have had no pain and therefore no painkillers - none! A slight dull ache disappeared after three days. Three days after the op I drove 40 minutes to do my normal 7-hour stint as a museum room guide. I am walking every day because Mr Kurzer says I should avoid the gym for a month. The bandage is off and life is already back to normal. I am a model for life drawing classes, and a week's time will pose in the nude, and I doubt that the artists will be able to spot the scar! When he opened me up, Mr Kurzer discovered that the old mesh repair had pulled away from the hernia; he decided to leave it rather than risk the trauma of removing it. He assured me that his won't, and I'm sure he's right. The moral of this story is clear: if you want a quality job done, find a surgeon who specialises in your operation, not a generalist who does all sorts. I cannot recommend too highly London Hernia and Mr Kurzer. He is highly qualified and experienced, friendly and caring, as are the nursing and other staff at St John's and St Elizabeth's hospital. This has been an eye-opener for me, a richly rewarding experience.

Written by a patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
18th May 2019

Two successful inguinal hernia repairs, well worth traveling to London from USA to be seen by the great Mr. Kurzer, both times 6 years apart.


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Specialises in

  • General surgery


Martin Kurzer is a specialist hernia surgeon.
He joined the British Hernia Centre in 1991, and now has his own practice based at the Hospital of St John and Elizabeth, London NW8.

His surgical training was at University College Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital, London. He then spent two years in the USA returning in 1987, when he went into full time private practice.

His main interests are in local anaesthetic day-case surgery, the use of tension free mesh and the repair of complex recurrent groin hernias.

He speaks regularly at UK and international conferences and has published numerous peer reviewed articles and book chapters on all aspects of hernia surgery. He is a keen supporter of the charity ‘Operation Hernia’ ( and visited Ghana with the charity in 2009. He is a co-founder, and is currently president, of the British Hernia Society.