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Written by a carer at Northampton General Hospital
14th December 2015

The lovely doctor Rees did everything possible to help my daughter from the minute he arrived at her side yesterday after a car crash. He made her and us feel safe and as comfortable as possible during an awful long time in a and e. He told her and us clearly and positively every step he was taking medically and why he was doing everything so that we were not worried unnecessary. He and the lovely nurse Charlotte gave us continuous excellent care and attention at a stressful time and despite the waiting because the hospital was so very busy managed to do everything possible to ensure we were treated well and finally sent home to belatedly have birthday cake. Thank you so much . You were wonderful

Written by a patient at Northampton General Hospital
21st September 2015

Well I don't know where to start really ;-) after having total hysterectomy.fibroids removed back in january.I just had problems after problems..I'm 51 .after 5 months I decided to go on hrt estradiol only.sweats etc.last 3 months I have had swollen ankles legs..tummy..fluid retention.added to history of stomach ulcers,I.b.s .so my g.p took bloods and I was informed Friday I have under active thyroid now.. BUT my blood count was low ..white cells..she said she couldn't treat my over active thyroid then because more bloods investigations were white low blood cells! She went on to explain that my white cells were attacking each other..can break down immune system ! So as u can imagine ..I am now extremely worried! Especially when I went to A&E with chest pains and shortness of breath ! I cant tell u the tears I shed worrying when I googled low white blood cell count ! Thank god I went to A&E and thank god for a dr such as the lovely dr.Rees ;-) they took full set of bloods..had e.c.g ...dr wasn't unduly worried but also did a chest X-ray ..then we sat down and he told me the facts ! ;-) the results he had were really ok !!! When I cried ..thought my time was up..had the big c ! So dr Rees asked me a few questions..have u got blood in your stools ? Do you feel sick? Have u had any weight loss...etc etc ..all of I which I answered "no" how relieved did I feel ! My pains in my chest are probably my I.b.s ..acid reflux..indigestion..not sure why I have shortness of breath ..but Dr.Rees has refereed me to chest pain be sure ...I think ease my worries too ! I can't express the relief I now have..the future looks bright again...and I know I'm hopefully 1 of the lucky 1.s again ! ;-) I just have to await routine blood checks for my over active thyroid ..and heart check ! I am 1 of 5 girls..I lost ,my dad at 61 to big sister too...2 yrs ago at my age now 52 ( in a couple of wks) I thought that's just typical...I have never drank nor smoked ;-) boy oh boy ...dr.Rees not only delivered me some brilliant facts about my health ...he was just the most loveliest ...friendliest ....(still always professional) Dr I think I have ever seen ! U can even understand Im sure ...why I gave him a big hug and a kiss! Now I know that it could have all been different ...but do you know what ...even if it had been some sad..bad news ..I couldn't think of a nicer ..lovelier dr to deliver that news ! Yes my white blood cell count was a "tadd" low....but oh to be reassured that it really wasn't as bleak as I was believing ! He even said he would ring me next week to see how I got on with further tests ;-) 10 out of 10 for dr.Rees! Right now...he is my saviour ...hero ;-) x Lorraine wright

Written by a patient at Northampton General Hospital
10th June 2015

I was taken to A & E on Sunday early evening after an accident with my horse leaving me with a big gash on my arm. I was assessed by a nurse who quickly sent me through to be looked at by Dr Kishan. He explained everything to both myself and to my husband as I was very distressed, he assessed my wound and arranged for me to get an x-ray very quickly to rule out an open fracture. There was no fracture so my wound just needed stitching and cleaning which Dr Kishan did himself during this procedure he was explaining and teaching a nurse as he worked. My treatment was seen through by this Dr from start to discharge, including all the medicine and dressings I needed. A follow up call was arranged to make sure everything was going in the right direction the call was made to my surprise, as on other experiences of A&E I have had to chase for results and follow ups. I left Northampton General Hospital feeling like I had had the best treatment from this compassionate Doctor.

Written by a patient at Northampton General Hospital
24th May 2015

Listened to the information provided, asking good questions to help draw out the key details. Gave a good summary of his diagnosis, encouraging questions to ensure there was no confusion. Kept waiting to a minimum. Provided a clear overview of what would happen next, who would be contacted about what and what the expected outcome would be.

Written by a patient at Northampton General Hospital
28th April 2015

Dr Rees spent time looking after me at Northampton A&E department when I broke my foot. He organised that I had the best of care and that I was given pain relief fast. He has a most polite manner, introducing himself first to myself and my husband prior to taking great care in consulting with me, Xraying and analysing my injury. He is clearly well regarded by his immediate colleague be they doctors or nurses, as he was able to call for further help as required. All in all I got great care. Caryn Cooper


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Specialises in

  • Emergency Medicine


Hi, I'm Kishan, thanks for visiting my profile. I currently work as a bank doctor in Casualty First at The Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth. My full time role is as a Medical Affairs Manager at AstraZeneca, hence your feedback is most welcome as I can use it as evidence for yearly appraisal and re validation.