Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
10th August 2022

Absolutely amazing Really understanding and listened to me and explained everything in simple terms that’s easy to understand. The follow ups are great too I can’t recommend him enough Thank you so much for your quick diagnosis and excellent follow ups

25th September 2022
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Many thanks for your wonderful feedback. Much appreciated. It's always a pleasure to assess, diagnose and treat my patients effectively. I am glad that you felt understood and listened to, and easily understood what I had to say too. I look forward to reviewing your progress again soon. All the very best for the future and your continued recovery.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
21st July 2022

I had just about lost hope in receiving a caring Dr, until i spoke to Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin, at iampsychiatry. I can honestly say this is the best decision i made, using this company and having the reassurance, professionalism and care needed, and because of this i am feeling amazing and making huge fantastic process and its all thanks to Dr Mohiuddin @ iampsychiatry. Highly recommended!!!

10th September 2022
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Many thanks for your kind and constructive feedback and recommendation. This is much appreciated. I am glad you chose IamPsychiatry and are feeling hopeful and amazing as a result. It was a pleasure to have assessed, treated and helped you to recover. I wish you all the very best for the future and your continued recovery.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
17th July 2022

I sought out Dr Mohiuddin after first being referred to Psychiatry-UK for an ADHD assessment as an NHS patient. After several months on their waiting list, and then being advised they didn't actually know how many months longer it could be before I got an appointment, I decided to go private. My 17 year old daughter had recently been diagnosed and it was pretty clear we had many symptoms in common. I did lots of research and the reasonable cost as well as the excellent reviews persuaded me to try Iqbal. I have to say I am very happy I did, both him and Pam have been supportive, patient and professional. I received my diagnosis and Iqbal has titrated me through the medications. This isn't a quick or easy process and can be very frustrating, if not disheartening at times. However, we eventually settled on medication that worked best for me and it's been a huge help in terms of focus and motivation. I really feel it will make a big difference for me going forward. I strongly advise anyone getting a private diagnosis for ADHD to maybe get something in writing from their GP about their intention to support Shared Care. Iqbal and Pam will remind you to do this anyway but it is really important. My GP surgery has been inconsistent in their support - having first agreed that they would enter into a Shared Care Agreement they then denied it - I believe this was because my surgery amalgamated with another large one during this time and their policies changed. My prescription is very expensive to fund privately - not everyone's will necessarily cost so much though - it's just something to bear in mind.

22nd August 2022
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Pam and I are grateful to you for your constructive and helpful feedback. It was a pleasure to have screened, assessed, diagnosed, and treated you for Adult ADHD. I am glad that we eventually found the best combination of medications to help improve your focus and motivation. Thank you for your patience and persistence. We were sorry to hear about your difficulties with your GP and you wisely advise getting something in writing beforehand regarding a Shared Care Agreement for future prescribing on the NHS. Most GPs are exceptionally helpful and supportive of this whole process in the best interests of their patient but unfortunately there are always exceptions for a variety of reasons. I wish you all the very best for the future and your continued recovery.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
15th May 2022

I have struggled my whole life with poor impulse control, which has caused me numerous problems and consequences, as well as other issues with anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, OCD and alcohol and drug use as a means of self-medication which just made things worse. I really needed help and unfortunately the NHS waiting list was 12-18 months for a consultation. I researched a lot of private practices and it is expensive but iampsychiatry was fairly priced and seemed to offer by far the best service and post diagnosis care. Dr. Mohiuddin was caring, understanding and knowledgable and between his care plan and the prescribed medication, I am like a new person. I understand my condition a lot more and am able to concentrate and focus without getting distracted or overwhelmed. I have ended my unhealthy relationship with alcohol and am happier and calmer. I feel in control of my life and most importantly, I finally think before I act and can control my impulsive behaviour.

21st August 2022
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Thank you so much for your kind, helpful, and constructive feedback, which is much appreciated. It was a pleasure to have assessed and treated you. I am glad that you have made a good recovery and ended your unhealthy relationship with alcohol, allowing you to gain control of your life. You have made excellent progress with better impulse control and I am hopeful for your continued recovery. I wish you all the very best for the future.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
5th May 2022

I cannot thank Dr Mohiuddin enough for diagnosing my 27-year-old daughter with ADHD. Sophie is a wonderful and kind person who had felt for many years she may have ADHD. Obviously going private is not cheap and it is sometimes difficult to know if you are doing the right thing, but I am so very glad she did. The cost was very reasonable compared to others we looked at, the reviews were excellent and the waiting time was surprisingly short with just a few months waiting list. Sophie was very nervous but we were happy she would be in the empathetic hands of Dr Mohiuddin and were excited for her consultation, counting down the days! Sophie was put at ease immediately during her call and it was a relief for her to chat and finally get confirmation after many years of symptoms. Dr Mohiuddin was so caring and knowledgeable too. Since her consultation we have been blown away by how quickly the medication has changed Sophie's life for the better, it is wonderful to see her happy and feeling so calm and positive. I would highly recommend every aspect of the journey, Pam Mohiuddin, Dr Mohiuddin's secretary is also lovely and so helpful.

22nd July 2022
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Thank you so much for your constructive and helpful review and recommendation. This is very much appreciated. It has been a pleasure to have assessed and treated your daughter for Adult ADHD. I am glad the cost of private assessment and treatment was very reasonable and that you had a positive experience throughout the journey. I have been amazed and impressed by your daughter's dramatic change and recovery with the right treatment, which has been a joy and privilege to witness. I wish you all the very best for the future and your daughter's continued recovery. Pam is also grateful for your kind feedback.


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Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin has been a British GMC registered doctor in the UK since 1999, and an NHS Psychiatrist since 2000. He has been practising as a private Consultant Psychiatrist in General Adult Psychiatry since 2008. He has special interests in Psychotherapy, Adult ADHD, and Addiction Psychiatry. He has successfully helped and treated thousands of NHS and private patients with various mental health problems including:

- Adult ADHD
- Addictions
- Alcoholism with Home Alcohol Detoxication
- Anxiety disorders
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Psychosis

Private consultation is offered face to face, or by Online video (telemedicine) throughout the UK via Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, MS Teams, Apple FaceTime, Telephone, or email.

Dr Mohiuddin is fully indemnified for private medical and psychiatric practice. He has been a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) since 2009. He has been a Graduate member of the Human Givens Institute (GHGI) since 2006. He has been on the GMC Specialist Register for General Psychiatry since 2013. He has been an Approved Clinician (AC) under the Mental Health Act (1983) since 2009. He is passionate about mental and physical health, and your safe and timely recovery.

Call Pam on 0800 779 7800 or email Catherine at IamPsychiatryEnquiries@gmail.com to book a private consultation at your convenience. Start your recovery journey with us today.