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Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
9th December 2019

I had to have a smear test done but I suffer from vaginismis which makes my muscles in my private area tighten up making any internal examination so painful and difficult for both me and the nurse. After having had 3 failed smear tests at my GP, I was referred to hospital to see Paula. I was booked in to have a smear test done using etonox (gas & air). Paula was absolutely amazing with me - she kept me calm, used encouraging words and just put me a lot at ease by understanding and talking through my difficulty. My experience was so brilliant that I didn’t even realise when my smear test was done and it just happened! You could say it was the etonox - but I strongly feel more than the etonox it was the support Paula gave me that put me at ease throughout the whole process. Even after the procedure, I had a 1-1 with her and spoke about my condition and she recommended ways of how I could improve. I walked out with a big smile on my face thinking I managed to achieve this after a difficult few months of failed smear tests and it’s all down to Paula. Absolutely brilliant and I would highly recommend her! :)

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
22nd October 2019

I am so thankful that I found Paula. I had been suffering with a number of problems for over a year, being passed from doctor to doctor, surgery to surgery. Being given numerous treatments which never worked I started to give up hope and accept that constant discomfort and pain was going to be normal for me. My referral then took me to Paula and my life changed. Without her, I had health induced anxiety & depression, my relationship was taking a massive hit. Now a year on from seeing her my health is not only massively improved, so has my anxiety, depression & relationship and that's all directly linked to her care. She took the time to listen to what was wrong and finally I was given a clear diagnosis and a path to treatment & recovery. She made me feel so calm, so at ease & hopeful that this was just a phase. I had completely given up before seeing her as I was so fed up of explaining but never being heard. Paula completely changed that. She was there for me through an uncomfortable procedure with so much support she felt like a friend not my nurse. I honestly could not be more thankful, she is a wonderful nurse & I'm sure it's not just my life she has changed for the better.

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
17th September 2019

It truly is people like Paula who make you realise how fortunate we are to have the NHS in this country. Over the last 7 months, I have seen 7 different doctors (both GP and specialist) but I can honestly say not one of them was able to make me feel as confident and positive about my progression as Paula. She spent an entire hour taking me through my diagnoses, examining me with both professionalism and care, listening and responding to my worries with such genuine attention, I didn't once feel embarrassed or unable to ask questions. At the end of the session we spent time putting together a detailed treatment plan for the next 3 months and she gave me her contact number should I need it, which was so nice and reassuring. After all this time, Paula has made me feel normal again and I cannot thank her enough for it.

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
2nd September 2019

I recently had an appointment with Paula who was quite simply,amazing. The time allocated for the appointment was an hour which is highly unusual.( interrupted by a fire alarm!) Paula was very friendly but also totally professional. She was very knowledgeable and thorough and gave very good practical advice. She made me feel very at ease and was happy to repeat information when asked. She recommended a variety of products and explained how to make use of them. It would be very easy to feel embarrassed due to the nature of the appointment but Paula made the whole experience so much more comfortable. She had exactly the right balance of being chatty and informative. She also made it clear that I could phone her for any follow up advice. Paula is an absolute credit to her department and the NHS. I have been very impressed with the department and would tell others not to worry about going.

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
16th July 2019

Today I went to see Paula and I was very anxious about attending however I was so pleased with the outcome of the appointment. I was made to feel very comfortable and gained a lot of knowledge. I also felt listened too and understood. I would highly recommend. The only slight negative I would say is in regards to the parking facilities.


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Specialises in

  • Genitourinary Medicine and Sexual Health


Short link to review Mrs Paula Chaplin: