Specialises in
- General Medicine
- Emergency Medicine
- Surgery
- Health Visitor
- Community Practitioner Nurse Prescriber
- Adult Nurse, Level 1
Joanne holds an honorary contract with Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS FT. Joanne holds current NMC registration, is a Registed General Nurse (Adult), a Registered Health Visitor and a Nurse Prescriber (not currently active). Joanne is a local resident, holds a national nursing leadership role in Public Health England and has an interest in the experience of care, from the view points of staff, relatives and those receiving it.
Joanne is also keen to develop story telling. Following feedback as a relative when her father was admitted, Joanne was invited to continue working with the Patient Experience Team and is now working with the hospital and Surrey University and will be following cohorts of undergraduate student nurse through their 3 year degree. Joanne and her father created a video which is being shared with new staff during induction and with student nurses. Joanne's father Jim was interviewed about his stay and fed back very candidly. This video is very powerful and will be a useful addition to an induction programme.
Joanne will be working in various areas of the hospital, re-engaging with the important front line of health and care after a period of time working outside front line care and more recently in senior management. Joanne feels that without this experience, she cannot confidently lead her profession.
Short link to review Mrs Joanne Bosanquet: http://iwgc.net/em2df