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Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

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Professor Adrian Wilson

46 reviews

Globally recognised Knee and Sports Injury Specialist practicing privately in London, Berkshire and Hampshire. Professor Wilson specialises in all aspects of soft tissue and reconstructive knee surgery and has pioneered techniques to improve treatment for sports injuries to the knee. He has developed a number of evidence-based techniques which include new, minimally invasive procedures for knee realignment (osteotomy) and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair. This includes a minimally invasive technique to treat anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in children that has a fast recovery time and excellent long-term results. Most recently, he has introduced Adipose Tissue Therapy, often used alongside other surgery, which harnesses the body’s own natural repair cells to help reduce pain and increase activity levels for patients with arthritis. Professor Wilson regularly performs live surgery at major meetings and runs surgical training events including The Knee Osteotomy Masterclass, a two-day workshop held annually.


  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery