Mr Praminthra Chitsabesan was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at York Hospital
8th December 2020

I was referred to Mr Chitsabesan in August 2020 as a private patient and had an initial telephone conversation with him due to Covid and not being able to have a face-to-face appointment. I also went on to have another 2 telephone appointments with him in September and December. Each time I have spoken with Mr Chitsabesan on the telephone, he showed a caring and patient approach to my symptoms/explanations. He also fast tracked all my investigations, scans, endoscopies etc as I had acute weight loss as well as severe pain. Because of his kind and genuinely concerned approach to my care, I was very much reassured that everything was being done to investigate my symptoms, despite the restrictions with Covid. In October 2020, I was seen on the Surgical Admissions Unit, York District Hospital, via A&E by Mr. Chitsabesan's team and I was most impressed with the kind manner of the staff and quality of care I received, despite being under a lot of pressure with many patients to seen. I would whole heartedly recommend Mr. Chitsabesan to anyone that requires his care.

Written by a patient at Nuffield Hospital York
5th December 2020

I found Mr Chitsabesan to be very approachable, totally professional with an easy manner. He explained issues very clearly to me and gave me choices in relation to my treatment, explaining clearly the benefits and drawbacks of each. My initial consultation was by telephone due to Covid-19 but again this was not a problem. I was called exactly at the agreed time and given all the time I needed to make my decision. On the day of my surgery Mr Chitsabesan came to see me before the operation and again explained very clearly what I could expect. The operation was a success and I have had a pain and discomfort free recovery. I have no hesitation in recommending Mr Chitsabesan to others and would certainly use his services again should it be necessary.

Written by a patient at York Hospital
21st November 2020

He was straight talking and addressed my concerns. He was very personable, not rushing any consultation, responding to my queries without any condescension and using medical terminology which I could understand. He had a lovely sense of humour which he used to good reassuring effect. Whereas I cannot comment on his technical expertise, he exuded a high degree of energy and projected as a man who wanted to get things done. Maybe some people might balk at his no nonsense approach, but I found this to be not only refreshing but also very helpful!

Written by a patient at Nuffield Hospital York
8th November 2020

Re:- Bilateral Inguinal Hernia operation 09/09/2020. During the 1st covid 19 lockdown I over-strained my double groin hernias which I have managed from my early years. I was in lots of discomfort to such an extent that an operation was needed. I was 55 years old and hernias only get worse. The NHS was not doing operations so I ended up having to go private which turned out to be well worth it. Praminthra Chitsabesan was my consultant. During my initial consultation Praminthra confirmed an operation was required. He went through the procedures and when asked, advised that open surgery would be best in my case. He is very calming and professional and eager to ensure that all of your concerns are addressed to your satisfaction. He also advised on the best way for me to manage my hernias until the operation which was very helpful. On the day of the surgery he came to see me and confirmed the procedures of the operation and ensured I was at ease before marking me up for surgery. Following the operation he again came to see me and let me know all had gone well and to plan. He advised me to contact him if there were any problems with my recovery. Now 9 weeks later the incisions from surgery have healed up extremely well and I am hernia free. I would be more than happy to recommend Praminthra Chitsabesan to anyone needing hernia surgery based on the quality of care that I received from him. Andrew Arter

Written by a patient at Nuffield Hospital York
7th November 2020

From the first point of referral, Mr Chitsabesan gave me confidence in his diagnosis despite having to wait some months during the first lockdown for a colonoscopy, quite understandably. During the waiting period I had a couple of confirmatory calls which reconfirmed his initial thoughts which thankfully were borne out by a clear result colonoscopy in early October. His explanation of the procedure and findings were clear, unambiguous and his manner professional and engaging. He was never in a rush and dedicated the right time to explain matters. If anything he had to work the Nuffield system which, unlike Mr Chitsabesan, seemed to make it up each week as lockdown 1 ceased and operating lists resumed. I would strongly recommend Mr Chitsabesan if asked. Derek Carter.


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Specialises in

  • General surgery