Mr Barrie White was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Queen's Medical Centre
24th August 2012

After a painfull 12months strugling with GP`s I was sent for a scan at QMC. Within days of getting the results Mr Barrie White rearranged his opps that week as he was due to go on holiday and operated on me as a matter of urgency. Both he and his team incuding all the nursinf staff were first class. I am now fully recovered and thank him for giving me back my life. Once again, thankyou Barrie White. Bob Rouse

Written by a patient at Queen's Medical Centre
26th March 2012

Very understanding , pro-active Doctor. He is the only doctor I have met, who provided a contact e-mail address and responded promptly to queries directed to it.

Written by a patient at Queen's Medical Centre
18th February 2012

I cannot praise Mr White's care for me enough. I underwent complex spinal surgery 4 and a half years ago when I was 27 years old and have been meaning to write this review for a very long time! I was sent to the Queens Medical Centre as an emergency case as I went to my GP about unbearable pain in my lower back and she sent me directly there the same morning. I was very scared as I had no idea how bad my condition was. Mr White was the first consultant to meet with me and he immediately made me feel safer in his care. He gave me his full time and attention, showed me the MRI and CT scans of my spine to explain exactly what had happened, was happy to answer my seemingly endless list of questions, drew diagrams for me about what would be done in surgery to help me understand fully why it was needed urgently, and was as friendly and down to earth as I could have hoped for. I trusted his judgement completely and still do. I did experience complications during surgery and post-op and was in hospital for almost 2 months, however I saw Mr White almost every day along with registrars and med students during rounds but he never spoke about my condition or care as if I were not actually there (as a lot of surgeons tend to at your bedside) and he made sure he kept me up to date with my progress by again showing me the scan results and answering all my questions as my care was adjusted. His patience and care (and his cool bow ties!) are something that I will not forget. I have seen him in the clinic several times since the surgery and am due to see him again soon, he remains as friendly and caring as ever. He was also very good with my family, he kept them up to date whenever he saw them and always had time for thier questions too. I am truly grateful for his expertise and support throughout a very frightening time of my life.

Written by a patient at Queens Medical Centre
6th September 2011

I have been under the Spinal specialist for a little over 17 months and the specialist asked for Mr White's opinion on a high signal central cord component on the spinal cord. Prior to the appointment, Mr White wrote to say that I was not to worry and all will be explained when we meet. On meeting Mr White, all I can say is "fantastic". I have seen a number of specialists concerning my spine and Mr White is the first specialist to sit me down in front of the MRI to explain what is happening with my spine. Not only this, Mr White followed up our appointment with a two page detailed letter - all on the NHS. This is a first - in over 17 months of NHS treatment on my spine - this is the first time that I have received a detailed letter. I met with Mr White on 2 August 2011 and the date this letter was typed was 2 August. I am now waiting to hear from the Spinal Specialist. For any possible future patient I highly recommend Mr White. A wonderful doctor who put me at my ease, took the time to listen to me and to fully explain the MR imagery and what he thought would be beneficial future treatment. Thank you, Mr White.

Written by a patient at Queen's Medical Centre
1st June 2011

Mr White is a very genuine, caring man and his skills as a surgeon are astounding. Having had a very long term problem which was shrugged off by many other consultants (in Derby). Mr White came to my rescue just as my pain was becoming unbearable and I had virtually no quality of life anymore. I was very scared to learn that my spinal cord and column needed operating on but after speaking with Mr White he put me at ease completely. He was genuinely lovely to speak to and answered all my questions on a level I could understand, no question was dismissed as silly or irrelevant. After many months in the system as soon as I got to see him the operation was carried out very quickly. He visited me after the op and his bedside manner was caring and genuine. Along the way we had communicated a few times with him by email, and once he replied by getting a team member to ring me and ask me to come straight in. My wife was also very grateful for his phone call that all was OK as soon as he finished the op. Anyone who needs care or surgery should not hesitate to consider Mr White, they will not regret it. PS. I cannot thank you enough Mr White, I feel brilliant after many years in pain.


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Specialises in

  • Neurosurgery