Dr Ravishankar Sargur was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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1st March 2021

As a patient with Long Covid I have got used to healthcare professionals not listening to me, and dismissing any ideas I may have about my condition. I am a doctor myself but the paternalism and arrogance I have encountered so far has been astonishing. I have to say that my experience with Dr Sargur was completely different. He was patient and he listened. He took my thoughts on board, but at the same time respectfully corrected me where he felt I was going down the wrong route in my own thinking. He clearly has tremendous knowledge of his speciality, and was able to explain in easily understandable language what he felt about the complex nature of my condition. He has arranged investigations and follow up and I look forward to them. Would recommend, especially to those with allergic/atopic type problems in the context of Long Covid.

19th February 2021

This doctor really listened, questioned and came up with solutions. I felt better after the call and more confident about the way ahead

17th February 2021

My appointment with Dr Sargur was a very pleasant experience and he made me feel very comfortable,he was very professional, but friendly, I never felt rushed. He asked lots of questions to establish what was wrong with me. Unfortunately he he had to tell me, he thought I would be better for me, to be referred to another department,who would be better in treating my problem, but in the appointment he never made me feel I was wasting his time. I would highly recommend to see Dr Sargur.

Written by a private patient at Thornbury Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
15th February 2021

I had a very good experience with Dr Sargur who gave me reassurance I needed and helped me better understand my symptoms.

14th February 2021

Nice attentive manner and described things well


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Dr Ravishankar Sargur is a Consultant Immunologist at the Northern General Hospital.
He set up the Aspirin nasal challenge and desensitisation service in Northern General hospital.
His interests include specialist allergy testing, investigating hidden allergens and problems with the immune system (antibody deficiency, autoimmunity etc.
He has keen interest in training and was previously Training Program Director for Immunology in Yorkshire, Humber and East Midlands.
He was chair of the Speciality Advisory Committee (Immunology) at Joint Royal College of Physicians Training Board.

Dr. Sargur has a major interest in allergy education and regularly gives lectures and tutorials to GPs, developed allergy & immunology modules for medical students.