Dr Andrew Eichholz was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital
4th January 2022

Andrew is one of the most personable, caring, efficient, knowledgeable professionals I have ever come across. He took time to fully get to know myself, my husband and my circumstances, beyond the cancer for which he was treating me. He responded with amazing speed and efficiency when I suffered a setback with my treatment to ensure an alternative was rapidly in place so as not to disrupt my treatment programme. He provides excellent information to support all the actions he takes to ensure I have the best possible outcome from my treatment. It became very obvious to me, when dealing with other professionals during my treatment, that he is held in the highest possible regard from all his fellow staff within the NHS. I cannot thank him enough for turning what could have been a very difficult time into something positive.

Written by a NHS patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital
17th December 2021

Having worked hard to keep healthy and fit most of my adult life, it came as a massive shock to be diagnosed with breast cancer in March this year (2021). It was devastating news for me and my family, my life now was put in trust with the health professionals. Initially my cancer was thought to be a grade 2 and to be managed by surgery and medication. Having had my surgery, pathology results suggested otherwise and my cancer was upgraded to a 3 which meant chemotherapy and radiotherapy were now the recommended treatments. This is when I was referred to Dr Eichholz for my ongoing care. Neither us knew what was about to unfold with my chemotherapy. I was a perfectly fit and healthy adult, aside from my cancer, so what could possibly go wrong? My initial meeting with him left me with the impression is was very thorough and I was in safe hands. He was very open and honest about my prognosis and I was given a lot of leaflets and statistics to read up on. He explained what type of chemotherapy I was about to have and offered me trials to enter. At the time it was all quite overwhelming, having to retain so much information, plus having to process my diagnosis and new treatment plan. He was very patient with me as understandably I had so many questions, however he gave me all the time I needed and reassured me that he would do everything he could to effectively save my life. I’m sure this would have impacted on his appointment times however I never felt he rushed me or was pressured to leave knowing other patients were waiting. Knowing my life now was in the hands of Dr Eichholz neither us expected what was about to unfold with my treatment. To a avoid going into too much detail, I will briefly summarise what happened. I had multiple life threatening reactions from my chemotherapy resulting in multiple admissions and delays for further treatment due to time given for me to recover. I only had 4 cycles and it soon became apparent that I’d stand more chance of dying from chemotherapy than my breast cancer. I’m not sure Mr Eichholz himself could believe how many severe reactions I was having to each cycle despite his efforts to reduce my dose and increase medication to avoid them. I needed an open honest oncologist that would give me guidance and a clear thorough explanation for the reasoning in recommending I stop chemotherapy and move onto the next phase in terms of radiotherapy and medication. Mr Eichholz succeeded in doing this despite my resistance to stop. In my head chemotherapy was what I needed to stop my cancer from coming back, it was what was explained to me at my initial consultation, and I was determined to see it through. Following on from that extremely long and difficult conversation with Mr Eichholz I did decide reluctantly to stop chemotherapy, he’s a Doctor who likes statistics and quiet clearly my statistic of surviving cancer over chemotherapy was greater in his mind and the benefit to move onto next phase was far more effective than continuing with chemotherapy. When I got home and processed my decision to stop chemotherapy I still was not comfortable with it despite all the life threatening situations I had experienced and all the effort and reasoning Mr Eichholz mentioned earlier in the day. It was as if by magic that evening, I suspect way past Mr Eichholz surgery he rang me as I was about to send an email to him rescinding my decision to stop. Mr Eichholz went through his reasoning and explanations again for a second time. It was than perfectly clear In my mind I had to stop or risk death. Although some days even now I still find it difficult to accept the fact not to continue but ultimately it was 100% the right decision. That decision I made was based on Dr Eichholz clear, concise, honest and open opinion and it’s because of him I was able to watch my daughter get married in August and enjoy her day feeling so much better. I completed my radiotherapy surprising free from any reactions in October. I continue now to get stronger and fitter every day, I’m back at work, I’m back at the gym, I’m actually smiling and belly laughing again with my friends. All these things at the beginning of my journey I’d thought I’d never experience again. I’m actually living a normal life, and this is undoubtedly because of Mr Eichholz. There are not enough words to thank him for giving me back my life, as if left for my decision to continue with chemotherapy I wouldn’t be here today to write this review. Yes my cancer may come back, nobody knows the future, but in the meantime I’m going to continue to embrace my life for a long as I can. I’ve been given a second chance thanks to an exceptional, outstanding work of a great Oncologist. Thankyou Dr Eichholz for saving my life Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Written by a NHS patient at The Churchill
16th December 2021

Dr Eichholz from the outset was very informative, honest and friendly, he laid out the treatment I would be facing in layman's terms that I understood, explained the risks and any long term side effects and asked questions about my personal circumstances so that he could inform me as to the impact on family members. He gave me total confidence in the procedures I would be undertaking, him as my consultant and in the NHS. Highly recommended.

Written by a NHS patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital
29th October 2021

Andrew was very friendly, approachable, knowledgeable, up-to-date, experienced and interested. Right from the start he was keen for my husband to be included in the conversation about treatment, which was very important as the whole event of follow-up preventative drugs following a lumpectomy was shell-shocking for both of us. He was keen to follow up every lead, with clarity and solid attention to detail. I received comprehensive (and speedy) documentation of our conversations. I looked forward to my consultations with this personable doctor, and am very grateful to have had him on my case!

Written by a NHS patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital
16th September 2021

At a routine mammogram, (March 2021), two lumps were detected and I had a lumpectomy in May where both lumps were removed. I was then referred to Dr Eichholz regarding follow up radio therapy treatment. I would like to thank Dr Andrew Eichholz for the excellent care and attention he gave me at Stoke Mandeville hospital. He explained everything to me in a way that was very easy to understand. He was very caring and very supportive. He helped me to prepare and what to expect for the radio therapy sessions at the Churchill Hospital. Thank you.


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Specialises in

  • Oncology


I am a Consultant Clinical Oncologist. I specialise in looking after patients with breast cancer.

I use chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy and the newer biological (also known as targeted) therapies. I also offer entry into any suitable clinical trials of new treatments.