
Warneford Hospital

Warneford Lane, Old Road, Headington, OxfordEngland, OX3 7JX
2,416 reviews




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Review of Wintle Ward written by a patient
23rd August 2019

Well treated

Review of Wintle Ward written by a patient
22nd August 2019

Review of Vaughan Thomas Ward written by a patient
22nd August 2019

Carol and Paul have been vital along with the rest of the team with helping me and my recovery and treatment I’m grateful for the care I’ve received which I recommend.

Satisfied with service
Review of Allen ward written by a patient
20th August 2019

I think Allen Ward at the Warneford Hospital is an amazing place. I wanted to know what the history of the ward was as there is a special ambience that permeates over and through the ward. Hallelujah, Thomas Allen was a priest. it's so important that this is a Godly place. Everyone has been so generous and kind with their direction, time, care and love for me and I am so, so grateful to you all. I was not happy to be sectioned as you can probably imagine but over the past 13 days I feel that I have moved forward and on in my walk with God. I have met some lovely patients also and made lots of new friends from both staff and patients. Thank you from the bottom, top and sides of my heart.

Patient satisfaction
Carer, family & friend satisfaction
Review of Allen ward written by a patient
20th August 2019

All the staff have been absolutely fabulous this week. They have been amazingly kind and patient. Karen had a one to one with me the other day when I was particularly upset and she helped me to calm right down. Bravo to Karen. Kumbi is an absolute star ALL the time- he is always laughing and smiling and positive with me! He is very firm and in control and doesn't put up with any nonsense like me and not handing over the remote control- I was very sorry about that a day later! Adedeji is always smiling and joking and just lightens the atmosphere on the Allen Ward. he is very kind and helpful and stands sart when I am feeling tense. Mavis is fabulous, calm with a strong sense or rigor. She is always smiling, she is a serene presence and I respond to that well. And, finally the fabulous Polly- always cheerful, encouraging me to get involved with activities like baking (my favorite), meadow walking, singing (with Sally the Chaplain). She is such an encouragement and a real guiding light to me. she is always smiling and happy, which rubs off on me! Now I am happy and smiling because how could I not be, when I interact with all Allen Ward's amazing staff. Thank you one and all.

Patient satisfaction
Carer, family & friend satisfaction
Review of Highfield Unit Oxford
16th August 2019

This is the NHS at its best. Caring, professional, effective and joined up. Not the same elsewhere in NHS where issues are due to lack of coordination. And this is a county mile better than what we have seen in private sector which was truly awful.

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Review of Oxford City and North East Adult Mental Health Team written by a patient
14th August 2019

I'm genuinely shocked by how poorly I've been treated by the AMHT in Oxfordshire. I have been trying to access appropriate support for 5 years and not once have I felt listened to, cared for, or hopeful about my treatment. I can honestly say that every single interaction I have had with the AMHT has made me feel significantly worse, culminating in the most recent disaster. After multiple lengthy discussions, my GP felt it appropriate to refer me to the ADHD team. This was at the end of 2018, so it has been at least 8 months of waiting, with absolutely no communication. Last week I received a letter that informed me the team were 'declining this referral' due to an old (and frankly laughable) diagnosis of BPD. Even as a layperson, I know that BPD is often diagnosed hastily or as a last resort due to its broad symptoms and lack of distinct classification. To dismiss me, in what felt like a sneering manner, has provoked severe feelings of dissociation and suicidal ideation. Among other things, the letter mentioned that I had been referred to CBT services - untrue, as the psychiatrist recommended DBT - and this was a single appointment which was cancelled on the day, while I was sitting in a waiting room, with no apology or explanation. At this point, I was experiencing mild hallucinations and experimenting in various dangerous self-medication practices. As someone who has been suicidal and extremely mentally unwell, attending appointments is very difficult. To be dismissed unceremoniously was catastrophic. I feel that the AMHT ADHD team using this as an example of my 'previous treatment' is hilarious and misguided. To rub salt in the wound, the recent letter suggests that my GP re-refer me, if she thinks it pertinent - this implies firstly that my GP didn't know what she was doing when she made the initial referral, and secondly that I manipulated or tricked her into it (fulfilling a dangerous and misogynistic stereotype that plagues those diagnosed with BPD). It also suggests that, should I 'like further clarification' of the BPD diagnosis, I contact the Complex Needs Service. I was 'diagnosed' nearly 4 years ago. At the time, I was not offered a follow-up with the Complex Needs Service, nor was I asked if the diagnosis made sense to me. I never saw Dr Cipriani again, nor was that an option. Why is it that now, 4 years later and upon my attempting to seek more appropriate treatment, I am sent in the direction of the Complex Needs Service? It feels like a cop-out. Also, why have I had to wait so long to be told I will be dismissed without even a chance to explain my reasoning? It's disgusting. Every single experience I have had with this impenetrable, impersonal service has made me question myself, my feelings, and my worth. It is shocking that a healthcare service can cause such damage, or act with so little empathy. No letter is signed by an actual human - where is the accountability? I would like to speak to the professional who chose to throw my case away, and ask them why? The NHS should be a force for good, not an imposing, exclusive fortress. I wish that I had an even slightly positive thing to say, but unfortunately not.

2019-08-21 16:51:22
Response from Warneford Hospital

Hello and thank you for taking the time to explain. I am very sorry to hear about your experience and distress. I would like to hear more about your experience and if you would like to email or telephone me to discuss further my details are: beth.morphy@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk 07899967506

Patient satisfaction
Carer, family & friend satisfaction
Review of Vaughan Thomas Ward written by a patient
12th August 2019

A nice team very kind and treated me respectfully Enjoyed the PSI groups and walks in the grounds with the HCA all the team were very helpful Thankyou

Satisfied with service
Written by a carer
12th August 2019

I just spoke to what I can only imagine was a switchboard operator at the Warneford. I felt she barked abruptly at me the question when she asked whether I was a patient. I should have said politely to her no are you. In fact there was a temptation to call back and say that but I didn’t want to waste their time. I wonder if they ask every caller if they are a patient. It is very difficult to get through to anyone at the Warneford and they can take literally years to answer a question and perhaps not even then. It makes me wonder how they ever passed their exams.

Review of Wintle Ward written by a patient
12th August 2019


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