Mr Sherif Awad was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at Tonic Weight Loss Surgery
24th January 2023

Dr Awad put me at ease from my first co aultarion and encouraged me to ask any questions or queries I had about the surgery. There was no nonsense and he provided me with factual information that put me at ease to go ahead and book my weight loss surgery with him. On the day of the operation I saw him before and after the operation and again was encouraged to ask any questions I had no matter how small they may have been. He provided his mobile number and did a fantastic letter for my GP explaining everything for post operative care. My follow up care has been excellent and I’ve just had a follow up phone appointment with Dr Awad which has been really positive and encouraging. I’m so happy I had surgery with Dr Awad and am grateful for his expertise

Written by a private patient at Tonic Weight Loss Surgery
21st January 2023

From the moment I had my consultation with Dr Awad I felt at ease about my health issues and he reassured me that he could rectify and potential reverse my diabetes. I am type 2 diabetic and was on increasing amounts of insulin both fast acting and slow release, also Metformin 2kg a day. I had also developed liver cirrhosis due to the levels of insulin and weight gain and was reassured that the type of surgery Dr Awad would perform could reverse a number of my health issues. His bedside manner is excellent and if you listen and take on board his advise all will be fine.

Written by a private patient at Tonic Weight Loss Surgery
17th January 2023

Mr Awad is a good communicator and totally proficient. His guidance is superb and I have followed that with no issues to date, totally reassuring. I would not hesitate to recommend Mr Awad to anyone considering bariatric surgery, he is very professional and someone I can trust.

Written by a private patient at Tonic Weight Loss Surgery
17th January 2023

Mr Awad was clear and concise with his explanations of what was going to happen and equally on post op care. I chose Mr Awad as my surgeon through other people’s recommendations and would not hesitate to pass my recommendations on to others. Throughout my stay at hospital I was listened to, which eased my anxiety of needles. Every effort was made so that I was comfortable with what was happening to me and I can’t thank them enough for that.

Written by a private patient at Tonic Weight Loss Surgery
16th January 2023

Dr Awad is a very skilled and highly thought of Bariatric surgeon. As soon as I was assigned him I was happy with this and watched his videos and was not concerned in the least of his ability to perform a brilliant job. As my first ever surgical procedure I was obviously very nervous before my surgery but Dr Awad helped put me at ease with his calm and to the point approach. I am very happy with my sleeve procure.


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Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal, Obesity & Laparoscopic Surgeon.
Council Member (Educational Lead) British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS).