Mr Jehangir Mahaluxmivala

4 reviews


Written by a NHS patient at Rivers Hospital
20th June 2024

Great following a left total knee replacement. Can do everything,

Written by a NHS patient at Rivers Hospital
23rd June 2021

Amazing surgeon, great mentor & world class educator!

Written by a patient at Rivers Hospital
17th July 2017

I'm a 57 male and had a left TKR in Feb 2017 at Rivers Hospital on NHS. Mr Mahaluxmivala gave me all the information I needed in order for me to make the decision - it was realistic (running/jumping and skiing are over), but I could no longer do that with my joint anyway. Although anxious about the operation, I wanted to be positive about the future, he and the team of nurses at Rivers were excellent from the momment I arrived, until my discharge 4 days later, when I was able to walk out with walking sticks. During my stay I found the nurses to be exceptionally knowledgable about my treatement and able to properly care and reassure me. Whenever I was in any pain, I found it tolerable and adequately controlled by the pain killers provided. In particular the exercises, which you must do to regain strength/mobility, I also found acted as another pain killer leaving my joint much more comfortable after -they also tightened up my stomach muscles - added benefit. The first couple weeks are tuff - adjusting to the recovery, wearing the tights, exercising, medication but the progress is noticeable too. Every few days I could see my hard work paying off and by 2 weeks I was able to walk, with sticks, to the shops (500 meters) with just discomfort and no pain killers. I was suprised though by the tiredness and difficulty sleeping for the first few weeks, which did test me. Mr Mahaluxmivala has been excellent and at the follow-up visits is able to describe the various stages of recovery which I found reassuring and accurate with any twinges/concerns I had. Its now 5 months since my op and I'm pain free, enjoy walking, cycling and swimming. The knee continues to get stronger and I still do some daily excercises because I want it to be as good as it can be. I am very happy to award Mr Mahaluxmivala with the rating I have - I am a police officer.

Written by a patient
22nd August 2014

Total Knee replacement performed in August 2014. This was a complicated surgery due to previous leg fractures but I'm delighted with the result. A top class surgeon!


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