Mr Bahram Fakouri was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Guy's Hospital
13th April 2022

I was referred to guys hospital, under the care of Dr Fakouri, and have always found him to be very polite, he gave me good advice and explained everything to me with regard to plans for surgery. surgery was carried out and even when i went to see him for a follow up appointment, again i found him to be very polite and was very patient with me, when answering my questions and concerns, he showed me all xray results and explained fully what they showed. I trusted him whole heartedly and if any one mentions they are under his care to me, i would inform them that they have nothing to worry about, as they will be in good hands. Thank you Dr Fakouri Guys Hospital

Written by a NHS patient at Guy's Hospital
31st March 2022

I was referred to Mr Fakouri after an MRI scan requested by my GP who diagnosed random and sometimes crippling pains in my legs - mainly my left leg - as neurological in origin. The scan showed compression of my spinal cord by growth of bone in areas lumbar 3 and 4. Mr Fakouri saw me about two months after my scan and was very optimistic that spinal surgery to remove the intruding bone could deal with my problem. After a short delay I opted for surgery on 25th October. Mr Fakouri saw me and my wife the week before the surgery and gave a reassuring, clear, kind explanation of my problem and the ability of the planned operation to deal with it. In the event the surgery was 100% successful. I was delivered to Guy's Hospital at 7 a.m. by my wife and picked up at 7 p.m. with only paracetamol and ibuprofen for pain relief. Within a month, with regular exercise and walking, I was back to normal. Very successful surgery. Thank you.

Written by a NHS patient at Guy's Hospital
24th November 2021

Very good at putting you at ease would recommend mr fakouri he has done my back surgery all the staff were very good too I’m discharged from hospital no more sciatica thankyou

Written by a NHS patient at Guy's Hospital
12th August 2021

I was referred to Mr Fakouri following a NHS scan am very grateful for everything that he has done to help me. He welcomed me, listened very attentively, and asked very searching questions about my symptoms. He diagnosed Cervical Stenosis with Myelopathy. He used the scan to explain in detail what the issues were and what the outcome might be without the intervention of surgery as well as what issues could arise during surgery. Throughout the conversation Mr Fakouri was easily able to build a trusting relationship and answered all questions. I was very confident in Mr Fakouri as he is a very experienced surgeon in both Neurosurgery and Orthopaedics. The day of the surgery he and his team work very closely together, took me through each of the stages from being shown how to easily put on operation stockings as well as talking with the Anaesthetist and assisting surgeon which was very reassuring. The operation was very lengthy as they needed to work on 3 pairs of vertebra. All the staff on the Orthopaedic ward were very carrying and diligent. The post op follow- up booklet for weeks 0 to 6 was invaluable full of information and contact details. My 6-week check-up was very thorough and positive and the small changes I was allowed to make were very clearly explained and demonstrated at no point was I rushed and there is a real feeling of care. As a 73-year-old woman I have been given a life changing opportunity to lead an independent life. All the more remarkable given the Covid situation and the constraints on hospital services that is an amazing and life changing opportunity for which I am very grateful. I am pain free for the first time in years and the numbness is beginning to respond to the exercises. Physio sessions have also been arranged. A totally wonderful experience.

Written by a NHS patient at Guy's Hospital
7th July 2021

Mr. Fakouri performed a laminectomy to remove a 14mm cyst on my spine. The operation was a complete success and I have full mobility and recently walked 8kms around Edinburgh. I also do Pilates, play golf and cycle plus much physical exercise whilst working in our large garden. I cannot thank Mr. Fakouri enough for the intricate work he carried out whilst performing the surgery. I should like to Mr. Fakouri, his team and all the staff at Guys for their treatment and care.


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Specialises in

  • Neurosurgery