Miss Anushka Chaudhry was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at The Great Western Hospital
26th August 2021

I found Miss Chaudhry extremely easy to talk to. There was one point when I was struggling to understand something. She saw my confusion and immediately changed tact by drawing a picture. I instantly understood from that what she was saying. I was really impressed that she was able to be so versatile in her approach. I really felt listened to in terms of my worries, I asked many questions and I never felt pushed in the appointment over time.

Written by a private patient at The Ridgeway Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
17th August 2021

Ms Anushka Chaudhry is lovely, a very caring & professional surgeon. I highly recommend her.

Written by a NHS patient at The Great Western Hospital
17th August 2021

Best possible experience under the circumstances during my examination. Listened to my issues and treated me with the utmost respect, care and attention. Extremely personable.

Written by a NHS patient at The Great Western Hospital
13th July 2021

I was referred to Ms Chaudhry having had a breast screening done at my local clinic . I went to Swindon Breast center where I was made to feel at ease for a second screening as the first found some abnormality . To say I was a bit worried would be an understatement having had breast cancer in 2015 where I had the lump removed at Swindon and 15 sessions of radio therapy in Bath Hospital . On this occasion it was found that I had DCIS over the right breast and was advised by Ms Chaudhry that my best option was to have a mastectomy on my right side . I did get very upset is I did not want to be left " lopped sided " but she put me as ease by explaining I could have a breast reconstruction , which she has preformed and I am very happy with. I am now waiting for my left breast to be reduced to balance me up and make me look somewhat "normal " in clothes , fingers crossed it wont be long as I would like to get on with my life now as I have plans . Ms Chaudhry is the most caring gentle consultant I have ever had the pleasure to meet . She explains everything in detail and will answer a whole list of questions you may have and put you at ease . Great Western Hospital is very fortunate to have this lovely lady as part of their team and I have nothing but kindness and admiration for her. Ms Anushka Chaudhry I would like to say a massive , massive thank you for the care you have provided me, you made me feel I was worth something when my world crumbled and for that I will be eternally grateful to you , hopefully I'm not on your list too long for my next surgery ! Swindon Great Western Hospital is the best, and with her by its side is making a difference to men and women's lives who are touched by cancer. Thank you once again Anne Pinchin

Written by a NHS patient at The Great Western Hospital
4th July 2021

Following one surgery by Ms Chaudhry, and a further one pending, I have the utmost faith and confidence in her ability to achieve the best possible result for me. Attending her out-patient clinic my husband and I were extremely impressed by her kind, considerate and empathetic approach to my situation. Ms Chaudhry reassured me that the concerns I expressed were genuine and could be rectified. For that I am very grateful.


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Oncoplastic and Cosmetic Breast Surgeon