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Miss Anna Miserocchi

6 reviews

Ms Anna Miserocchi is a Consultant Neurosurgeon with a special interest in epilepsy and tumour surgery. She applies the latest technology to improve patient outcomes and improve surgical resections. She makes regular uses of advanced imaging such as functional MRI, DTI, perfusion and spectroscopy. Ms Miserocchi performs awake craniotomies, operate within the interventional MRI to maximise resections, and routinely uses neuronavigation and advanced images. Ms Miserocchi has a busy general neurosurgical practice which encompasses non instrumented spinal surgery, hydrocephalus, head injury and peripheral nerve surgery. Ms Miserocchi holds numerous publications and research grants at The Institute of Neurology in London. Also, is actively working in introducing robotic assisted surgery for tumour and epilepsy cases and Laser ablative technique for epilepsy surgery.


  • Neurosurgery