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Written by a member of staff at Studholme Medical Centre
14th March 2015

Dr hasafa is a colleague of mine , who I really appreciate her as a person, doctor. She is very trustworthy and vey loving person, she listen to everybody and always encourage you with a smile on her face .

Written by a patient at Studholme Medical Centre
10th March 2015

Dr Hasafa is a great asset to this practice. She is very professional, pleasant, caring and thorough. She focuses on the patient and has excellent listening skills. She explains things very clearly and will print off information so that I can refer to it at a later date.

Written by a patient at Studholme Medical Centre
10th March 2015

Dr Hasafa is the first doctor who rather than telling me to lose weight, told me HOW to do it. She has been the most helpful of any doctors I have met.

Written by a patient at Studholme Medical Centre
4th March 2015

Kind and caring are the two words I would use to sum up Dr Hasafa. I went to her for, at that time, a potentially serious illness, she listened and expedited the paperwork as an urgent referral - the hospital called me that same day with an appt for the clinic. She asked me to come back and see her after I had been to the clinic and, good or bad, let her know what was happening. She meant it - it wasn't a throwaway comment. Unfortunately the diagnosis was cancer. I saw Dr Hasafa today and updated her where I was with my surgery/treatment. She was kindness itself...which you need when in a vulnerable state. You don't feel you are wasting her time. If only we had more Dr Hasafa's in world.

Written by a patient at Studholme Medical Centre
1st March 2015

Dr Hasafa is a brilliant and caring doctor. She listens to you and asks the right questions to enable her to give a clear diagnosis. She has an open mind and makes me feel that she values my opinion but at the same time she is very skilled and well informed. She is an excellent communicator and explains very clearly what she thinks the problem is, what has probably caused it and the treatment she thinks will alleviate the symptoms .Although she is young, I have total confidence in her and very much hope she stays at the practice. Like most GP's she is obviously coping with a heavy workload but she retains her enthusiasm and professionalism


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