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Written by a NHS patient at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital
4th June 2024

I saw Dr Das as my first consultant appointment, during which I wanted to request an elective c-section. Dr Das was approachable and friendly, asked me for a bit of context about my decision, ran through the risks, printed the paperwork and clearly outlined next steps. It was really great that I felt listened to, and the appointment was efficient and I left with a provisional date for my c-section.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital
27th June 2023

Dr Sabrina das was very welcoming and kind to me, she explained everything that needed to be explained in detail and also asked if I had any concerns with anything. She was friendly and helpful.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital
10th January 2023

I felt comfortable and at ease to talk to Dr Sabrina. She listened and and explained tge process to me well, gave good advice and was genuinely very friendly.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital
6th December 2022

Reassured me and gave me good information on what will happen next.

Written by a private patient at Charity Challenge
21st November 2022

Dr Sabrina Das is a truly fantastic, professional and respectful individual. She was our expedition Dr, team member and friend. I can confirm that Dr Sabrina Das helped greatly in my personal expedition journey providing safe, professional care as well as reassurance to everyone. I highly recommend Dr Sabrina Das and envy any expedition group privileged who have her in their team.


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Specialises in

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Sabrina is a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea Hospital (Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust) with an interest in high risk pregnancy, quality improvement, patient safety and global women's health. In addition to her London based practice, she has worked for Medecins Sans Frontieres, most recently in Yemen. She is passionate about the use of Quality improvement methodology and data for improvement, and has spoken at international conferences and delivered workshops on this topic, as well as published in peer-reviewed journals. She also blogs for the Health Foundation Q Community on topics such as staff engagement and co-designing pathways with service users.

In her free time, Sabrina volunteers as a British Triathlon Federation Coach, and as an expedition medic for charity adventures.