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Written by a patient at Thameside Medical Practice
4th May 2016

I saw Dr Childs recently when she was the only doctor available. I'm sorry to say but I agree with others here, she doesn't listen and is rather too full of her own importance. Really it was a waste of my time, I came out and called the surgery later and made another appointment with one of the other doctors.

Written by a patient at Thameside Medical Practice
10th April 2016

You can't trust a doctor who doesn't listen and who talks over you. That's the norm with Dr Childs.

Written by a patient at Thameside Medical Practice
5th April 2016

I've seen Dr Childs on and off for many years when no one else is available. Over that time I've come to regard her as tolerable when it's something minor or I just want a referral to a private consultant or I just need a repeat prescription for a long term condition I have. She barely listens so I wouldn't consult her about something more major and I certainly wouldn't let her interfere with my long term medication as it's impossible to trust her when she takes no notice of you. I've come to the conclusion over the years that she's not the brightest button in the box and therefore she feels that she has to control the consultation in case you push her out of her depth and ask things she can't answer. In a way she's in the wrong place, the local population are in the main articulate and intelligent people who don't want a patronising 'I know best' attitude. Then again, perhaps it's better she is in a place where people can challenge her or goodness only knows what would happen.

Written by a patient at Thameside Medical Practice
16th December 2015

I'm afraid Dr Childs is burnt out. I've seen her on and off for more than ten years but these days she always seems harassed and she doesn't listen to you carefully enough. After my last consultation during which she kept interrupting me when I was trying to explain what was wrong I got to the end of the appointment and came out and immediately made an appointment to see Dr Bignell. The difference in experience was like chalk and cheese.

Written by a patient at Thameside Medical Practice
4th December 2015

I have seen Dr Childs a number of times over the last twenty or so years, she's never my first choice of doctor and I've now made a conscious decision never to see her again. In the past it has been a case of needs must but now I'm retired my time is my own and I can wait for one of the other doctors to be available. They are both charming and professional. I'll refer to Dr Childs as Amanda as she has always chosen to address me by my Christian name without asking for my agreement but she would without a doubt be most put out if you were to address her in the same way. This of course puts the relationship in the wrong place from the beginning and instead of one adult consulting another it creates the rather patronising dynamic of parent/child. Amanda plays the parental role to a tee. She barely listens, is dismissive, scolds freely and is prescriptive in the way she responds. Quite an unhealthy parent really. She also gives you information selectively that she wants you to have and redacts the full story to suit her purpose of getting you out of the room with the minimum spend on drugs possible. In fact her prescribing is so mean I think she must fund it out of her own pocket. I have certainly learned that there was more information available about my condition when I have subsequently seen another doctor than Amanda chose to tell me. Perhaps that's the parent coming across again and deciding that she knows best what you should know about your own health. Others may and indeed looking here do report a better experience of Amanda and one or two even seem to take exception to anything critical being posted. I am not for one moment questioning that they may have had a good experience and surely they should not question the validity of posts that are not in tune with their own.


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