Dr Abdul Gatrad was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a carer at Manor Hospital
13th January 2011

our daughter was born with down's syndrome and dr Gatrad is the doctor who told us and took time to explain everything. He has been in Katy's life for almost 13 years now and she will not see anyone else, in our eyes and katy's he is simply the best doctor ever, he has the time, patience bedside manor, he cares about all his children because they are his...i am so grateful he is the doctor katy was seen be so soon after her birth, the words he said to myself and my husband still seem like yesterday. I could keep going about the way we feel about Dr Gatrad, he is simply the best and couldn't imagine seeing any one else, i actually call him god.

Written by a carer at Manor Hospital
11th January 2011

As a mother of two, I originally met Prof Gatrad around 2 years ago for my older son. Prof Gatrad was very understanding, looked into all possibilities to help me support my older son. I did not feel at all rushed, or hurried in any way. I have recently needed to visit again for my younger son. Again, I experienced a comfortable visit. Was listened to carefully and Prof Gatrad responded looking into all options to help resolve my sons problem. I would recommend Prof Gatrad to any Parent.

Written by a patient at Manor Hospital
10th January 2011

Prof Gatrad is a gifted doctor who is a natural with children. I have been to see him for my son on a number of occasions; he always makes us feel welcome and is kind and caring to our son. He is very thorough and always asks my son and I how he is progressing he then carries out a full examination. I have found that due to his depth of knowledge and expertise he can think 'out of the box' which means he isn't limited in the diagnosis / treatment he offers. Due to his vast experience and excellent communication skills Prof Gatrad was able to understand the difficulty my son was experiencing and correctly diagnosed our sons condition very quickly which was imperative to ensure our child could be treated and recover swiftly. He has provided us with practical advice that will help our child in his daily life. He is the only consultant that I have been to see as an NHS patient that doesn't rush his consultation; he takes his time and provides you with an excellent service. I would recommend Prof Gatrad to any parent. Over the years I have been to see a number of consultants and I can honestly say he is one of the best.

Written by a carer at Manor Hospital
6th January 2011

I was very pleased and reassured when I saw Prof Gatrad at Walsall Manor outpatients department with my Son Aaron. Aaron had been experiencing a tight chest and breathlessness and it was extremely worring. Prof Gatrad gave Aaron a full examination and asked for an Ecg to be done straight away. We were also referred to a Cardiologist at the childrens Hospital. Aaron has been diagnosed with Asthma. I was very releived to have such good treatment, Prof Gatrad was very kind to Aaron and made him feel better and not to worry. I would be very happy to reccomend Prof Gatrad and the facilities at Walsall Manor were first class. Thank you Helen

Written by a carer at Manor Hospital
6th January 2011

Prof Gatrad has a gift with children and that is obvious from the start. What a professional, caring, informative compassionate and throughly wonderful man who I would not hesitate to recommend. My son Max has been under Dr Gatrads care for the past 3 years and in that time he has provided excellent care for him, not only in his department but also referring him to an alternative consultant for additional treatment in ENT. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking him for all his support and ongoing care.


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Specialises in

  • Paediatrics


Professor A R Gatrad OBE has been a child specialist at the Manor hospital for over 25 years. He is nationally and internationally known through many of his publications and the 2 books that he has written. He holds a national award for clinical excellence.