The Great Western Hospital

Marlborough Road, Swindon, England, SN3 6BB
77,504 reviews




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Review of Hazel Ward - Postnatal written by a family member
22nd January 2021

Overall, I am very satisfied with the care my wife received after she gave birth to our son almost 5 years ago. The reason I am leaving this feedback is because I will always remember the particularly poor attitude from one member of staff during my wife's stay after giving birth. I had always intended to provide the feedback because it was so disappointing and it made its permanent mark on the occasion which I can never forget. At the time I had reported the attitude of this particular staff member to another. She quickly knew who I was referring to and gave me the blue feedback card to fill in, with the name of the member of staff I described written on the card. After doing some cleaning out today, I found the card once more and decided to finally give my feedback. So, my wife was recovering after giving birth to our first child in the Hazel ward. It was the morning and she was due to have her after-birth-mattress-protector thingy changed. I recall the member of staff being very solemn looking, and seemed to not be in the best of mood, as far as I can tell. We mentioned that the bed sheet also got slightly soiled over the night and asked for some clean sheets. She appeared to acknowledge the request somewhat with a glance, left the cardboard bed pan for my wife to use, and went away. During that period, my wife used the bed pan, and left it for disposal (I think that was what we were supposed to do. Is my wife expected to do that by herself the day after giving birth?) The lady returned with the clean sheets, placed them on the bed, and left. My wife and I looked at each other thinking, 'are we supposed to make the bed ourselves and dispose of the bed pan?' This was when I spoke to another member of staff about this person's attitude and behaviour. As I wasn't sure if I should be making the bed and disposing of the bed pan for my wife, I asked her if my wife and I were expected to do this ourselves. To which she said 'no.' The member of staff should have assisted with this and promptly had someone service this. As I mentioned, she quickly knew who I was referring to and gave me a feedback card with the person's name. I guess this person already had a reputation, hence the swift realisation. I understand that it could have been a one-off and the lady was just having an absolutely terrible day. However, from the reaction of the other member of staff, I wasn't too sure that was the case. It seemed to be something she had heard frequently. Anyway, the name I was given was 'Tracy Whitmore (HCA).' Hopefully, my feedback may lead to her receiving some additional training to improve her customer service skills, and any other areas that have been identified as below par. While writing this, I wasn't sure about going through with it, as she could honestly have been having a nightmare of a day, but I thought I should just get off my chest and put it out there in case it is an ongoing thing that needs dealing with, or closer observation. I would not like anyone else to experience what we did after such an exhausting night. Well, after getting that out of the way, the overall experience was amazing. The majority of staff were unbelievable. So friendly and kind, even when things were absolutely hectic in the ward, they had a smile and softness in their voice that relaxed you. Truly, truly grateful for the midwives and all the other staff members that helped us get through the occasion. We had our second child there just over a year ago now and they were just as brilliant. Thank you!

Suggested improvements
We were in the four-bedded bay room after the birth of our first child. One thing I suggest would be to somehow make each bay a little more sound-proof. During our first stay, the gentleman in the bay across from us frequently complained to his partner about how we didn't know how to stop our newborn from crying, which I was able to overhear quite easily; despite his best effort at trying to whisper. This was another moment that will stick with me as a negative part of the experience. As a result, we paid for a private amenity room after my wife gave birth to our second. Maybe this was part of the plan to get those returning to pay for an amenity room? Anyway, definitely try to somehow make each bay a little more soundproof, if possible and feasible. All the best against the fight against COVID!

Review of Hazel Ward - Postnatal written by a family member
22nd January 2021

Overall, I am very satisfied with the care my wife received after she gave birth to our son almost 5 years ago. The reason I am leaving this feedback is because I will always remember the particularly poor attitude from one member of staff during my wife's stay after giving birth. I had always intended to provide the feedback because it was so disappointing and it made its permanent mark on the occasion which I can never forget. At the time I had reported the attitude of this particular staff member to another. She quickly knew who I was referring to and gave me the blue feedback card to fill in, with the name of the member of staff I described written on the card. After doing some cleaning out today, I found the card once more and decided to finally give my feedback. So, my wife was recovering after giving birth to our first child in the Hazel ward. It was the morning and she was due to have her after-birth-mattress-protector thingy changed. I recall the member of staff being very solemn looking, and seemed to not be in the best of mood, as far as I can tell. We mentioned that the bed sheet also got slightly soiled over the night and asked for some clean sheets. She appeared to acknowledge the request somewhat with a glance, left the cardboard bed pan for my wife to use, and went away. During that period, my wife used the bed pan, and left it for disposal (I think that was what we were supposed to do. Is my wife expected to do that by herself the day after giving birth?) The lady returned with the clean sheets, placed them on the bed, and left. My wife and I looked at each other thinking, 'are we supposed to make the bed ourselves and dispose of the bed pan?' This was when I spoke to another member of staff about this person's attitude and behaviour. As I wasn't sure if I should be making the bed and disposing of the bed pan for my wife, I asked her if my wife and I were expected to do this ourselves. To which she said 'no.' The member of staff should have assisted with this and promptly had someone service this. As I mentioned, she quickly knew who I was referring to and gave me a feedback card with the person's name. I guess this person already had a reputation, hence the swift realisation. I understand that it could have been a one-off and the lady was just having an absolutely terrible day. However, from the reaction of the other member of staff, I wasn't too sure that was the case. It seemed to be something she had heard frequently. Anyway, the name I was given was 'Tracy Whitmore (HCA).' Hopefully, my feedback may lead to her receiving some additional training to improve her customer service skills, and any other areas that have been identified as below par. While writing this, I wasn't sure about going through with it, as she could honestly have been having a nightmare of a day, but I thought I should just get off my chest and put it out there in case it is an ongoing thing that needs dealing with, or closer observation. I would not like anyone else to experience what we did after such an exhausting night. Well, after getting that out of the way, the overall experience was amazing. The majority of staff were unbelievable. So friendly and kind, even when things were absolutely hectic in the ward, they had a smile and softness in their voice that relaxed you. Truly, truly grateful for the midwives and all the other staff members that helped us get through the occasion. We had our second child there just over a year ago now and they were just as brilliant. Thank you!

Suggested improvements
We were in the four-bedded bay room after the birth of our first child. One thing I suggest would be to somehow make each bay a little more sound-proof. During our first stay, the gentleman in the bay across from us frequently complained to his partner about how we didn't know how to stop our newborn from crying, which I was able to overhear quite easily; despite his best effort at trying to whisper. This was another moment that will stick with me as a negative part of the experience. As a result, we paid for a private amenity room after my wife gave birth to our second. Maybe this was part of the plan to get those returning to pay for an amenity room? Anyway, definitely try to somehow make each bay a little more soundproof, if possible and feasible. All the best to the NHS with the fight against COVID!

Written by a patient
4th November 2020

The whole process went brilliantly and would like to thank the lovely resuscitation nurse and the lovely team in beech ward who looked after me.

Written by a carer
2nd November 2020

Extremely supportive team. Very quick response time with regards to the instructions etc.

Review of Emergency Department - A & E written by a patient
21st September 2020

I went to A and E on Sunday 20th Sept. The reception staff were really good but that was as good as it got. The HCA on the front was very rude, on her on phone in full view of patients, she also did not have full PPE on due to covid. She asked if she could do my obs which I said yes but no checking any details not name, DOB or address. I asked how many patients were in front of me as I had been there awhile and she was very rude saying she could not leave the front which I understnd but there is no need for rudeness. Surprisingly when she saw me pick up a friends and family card she asked me if there was anything she could do to help. Then when I was called in the doctor also did not have any PPE on and when I asked if she was going to wear gloves she said oh yes I'm new only been here a couple of days which is totally unacceptable even if we were not in the current pandemic. I work at Gwh and no how important it is for PPE and I just don't feel this was followed properly by some people in A and E.

Suggested improvements
More training

Treated Doctors
Waiting time
Pain Control
Written by a patient
24th July 2020

I gave birth here in early 2020. Sadly the midwives ignored my requests for no coached pushing or medical interventions. The consultant performed an episiotomy without requesting my permission or even INFORMING me of what they were about to do. I had no local anaesthetic administered, I had also not taken any pain relief what so ever. I am now left with lifelong issues caused by the forceps delivery (prolapsed uterus & bladder). The bathroom in the delivery suite was filthy, toilet paper stuffed down the side of the toilet, dust on the toilet roll holder & shelving above the sink. The taps in the bathtub was slimy with god knows what. There was also black mould on the ceiling. The midwives on the ward were lovely and checked on me & baby every 4 hours during the night. The ward was also relatively clean, though a lot of dust and grime under the chair when I moved it.

Written by a patient
8th July 2020

I have been treated at The Great Western Hospital since November. The team there were fantastic. They work as a team and they make you feel confident in their hands. Every person works hard at putting you at ease, they even made me laugh a lot. Not once did I feel I was on a conveyer belt. They were there to make me better and nothing was too much trouble. I will always be grateful to them for their kindness and hard work.

Written by a patient
29th June 2020

Wonderful staff, all working towards making your experience as atraumatic as possible. Very slick and efficient consultation in one department with all the relevant specialists, in one visit. Only slip up was with the admin and appointment notifications, but it was during the Covid lockdown so not at all surprising and all was rectified before admission.

Written by a patient
2nd June 2020

Consultant was fantastic, the hospital is friendly and good services

Review of Falcon Ward written by a family member
21st May 2020

The team on falcon ward recently took care of my grandmother in her final days of life, although this was the toughest time in my whole life every single member staff on falcon ward went above and beyond in their care for my grandma as well as myself. In such a sad sad time they all made it that little bit easier for me and I wouldn’t of wanted for her to spend her last few days on any other ward. There are no amount of words that will do justice the amount of thanks I have for everyone who was involved in her care. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Every single one of you are fantastic.

Side effects
Treated Doctors
Involved Discharge
Family Involved
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The Great Western Hospital was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.

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