
St Peter's Hospital

Guildford Road, Chertsey, Surrey, England, KT16 0PZ
69,290 reviews




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Review of Swan Ward - St Peter's
9th October 2012

while i was in this ward i nearly froze to death due to another patient opening the windows during the night and had fans blowing all night, (4 ights) i had to try to sleep with my clothes on including my overcoat, the nurses, charge nurse were good to me no complaint there, have to come back to st peters on 28/5/13 to see mr khellie, (may be wrong spelling), if he decides not to remove this frame from from my leg then i will take this to PAL also the BBC news and newspapers will be informed, i feel i have been very badly treated, so many mistakes have been made by this hospital and east surrey (which is not in guildford) paper work a joke, how can i be in two hospitals at the same time on the same date 13 miles apart,

Review of A&E St Peters
8th September 2012

I am writing this review on behalf of my husband who was involved in a serious motorcycle accident on the 8th of September 2012; he was taken to St.Peter's Hospital that afternoon. Our experience of the A&E service was far from excellent. The paramedics did a great job in taking my husband to the A&E department but after that we feel that we had very little information given to us or time spent with us on that terrible day by anyone on that hospital. Upon my arrival I found my husband alone on a stretcher, after a while he was taken away for x-rays. The x-ray revealed a fractured scapula but that was one of several injuries he had. The one female nurse that tended to him, though friendly, spent time chatting to us about her long day shift. The male nurse that took my husband to the x-ray room didn't speak any English; I found it unacceptable that a Hospital staff couldn’t speak English. Eventually a doctor came to see my husband after the x-ray to tell us he had a fracture, there was no mention of anything else and before we knew it he was called away to another emergency, we guessed. We were left alone again for what seemed a very long time. Finally another male nurse came to see my husband and at this point he put on a sling on his arm and gave him a minimum dose of painkillers, he was then allowed to go home; wearing nothing but a hospital gown, underwear and bare feet. In my opinion, he should have been kept under observation for at least a night if not longer, he should have been given proper pain relief, in fact we had to contact our local doctor to obtain this. He should have been given a proper sling not a cloth so rough that cut into his neck and his skin was red raw. A crutch would have been helpful as he had a damaged knee which until today has problems with, and at least the hospital could have provided him with some slippers to leave the hospital with, instead of walking out onto the cold concrete road. These are minor in comparison to the lack of communication from doctors regarding the extent of his injuries, what symptoms he could expect in the following days and months, how he /we could cope with the trauma. In short, he received minimal care. It has nearly been a year since the accident but we relive it every day. Mrs. N. Logan 23 Morval Close, Farnborough Hampshire

Review of Kingfisher Ward - St Peter's
6th July 2012

Care was excellent, everywhere was clean, the food was good and plentiful, everyone was kind, friendly, efficient and very professional, obviously taking a pride in their work. By "everyone", I really do mean everyone - surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, health care assistants, physios, cooks and cleaners, and those hidden people in the office who keep the paper-work in order. I particularly appreciated the fact that everyone introduced themselves, by name, profession and specific purpose e.g. - "I am Jane, I am a Physio-therapist and I am here to help you to get mobile again after your operation". It enabled me to ask the right questions of the right people. I also particularly valued being given information about my condition in a straight-forward way. I also liked having a specific contact, (Colorectal Specialist Nurse) whom I could call if I had any problems when I left hospital. I also appreciate the way that good nutrition is seen as an important part of nursing care. I was in St Peter's for cancer surgery, but I have not ticked the "long-standing illness" box as I feel so healthy, thanks to your ministrations and those of St Luke's Cancer Centre in Guildford. It may seem a small thing, but I did appreciate the view of trees from the windows, it was very soothing. I was glad I could bring in my mobile phone (set to "Silent" mode, of course) to keep in touch with friends and family. A big "Thank-you" to all concerned.

Written by
18th April 2012

So far I had a great experience with the nurse and receptionist, they seem genunely caring and the place is clean and pleasant.

Nursing staff
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