Farnham Medical Centre

435 Stanhope Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear, England, NE33 4JE 23 reviews


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29th May 2024

I have never encountered such incompetence and ignorance from a doctors surgery in my entire life. They are not my doctors - luckily my own doctors surgery is fantastic so I know the difference. I dealt with this practise on behalf of my mother who was seriously ill with copd and without myself and my sisters intervention and constant desperation in contacting the surgery and other health bodies she would have died much sooner than she did. She was kept waiting for prescriptions and doctors appointments we were fobbed off and lied to. It’s such a long list of shocking errors and terrible treatment I can’t even scratch the surface here. At the end of it all, my mother had been waiting for an appointment for months and I received a telephone call saying she had an appointment - a week after she died. This practise takes on endless patients and promises them the world. They only do it for the funding. To say they’re incompetent is an understatement. I’d leave now if I were you - especially if you’re coming up to 60+ because you’re stuffed if you think they’ll look after you once you start having age related problems

Suggested improvements
Tell the truth and listen to patients. Remember you’re there to serve the patient, they’re not an inconvenience

Rating not given.
24th November 2022

Don't waste time and effort completing an online form their usual response is call the doctor which defeats the whole object of online forms as you still have to waste a full morning or afternoon ringing them only to get through and wait yet another hour in a queue then the response is you're put on hold again as the person on the line tells you they don't deal with that!! Explaining what you need simply is like agonising toothache. The people who answer the phone should enrol on a few courses mainly how to improve your listening skills, good manners, courtesy and knowledge of the practice eg forms, etc. In my experience in the last 20 years I have seen none of these only abrupt and rude telephone manner and the problem you called for is never attended to. I have given up and I'm currently looking for a new practice to go to. Enough is enough. I have never had any help from them and have 2 life changing ongoing medical conditions however when you get so desperate with chronic pain and you reach out to them pleading for help their response is a leaflet " how to cope with chronic pain" it's a joke and an insult to the NHS. I was told by a receptionist 12 years ago when I rang up for some blood test results for anaemia " by the way did you know you've got chronic kidney disease" I was totally shocked and immediately booked to see a doctor who told me it's at stage 2 there's no treatment or cure and basically go home that was 12 years ago and it's even got worse now you get no response or help at all. My advice to anyone using this surgery is go to your occupational health doctor if you're employed because he was brilliant and diagnosed my condition very quickly and got me an appointment with a consultant after being treated for the wrong condition for 3 years by my own GP who incidentally prescribed a highdose of ibuprofen 4 times a day for 3 years which is the worst medication you can take if you already have chronic kidney disease! So don't rely on them to check your medical history as they obviously don't. I'm fed up and tired with the incompetence. Be prepared for no help at all and a lot of time wasted and stress. This has got to be the worst doctors surgery in South Shields.

Suggested improvements
Listened! Helped me!

Rating not given.
15th September 2021

I was directed by the 111 website to contact my doctors. I needed advice about my son who has covid but also a separate medical problem. I was told I couldn’t speak to a doctor for advice because he had covid- even though the advice I wanted wasn’t related to covid. I was told that I had to ring 119 instead. It’s an absolute disgrace that patients who have managed to get through to the receptionist (which isn’t easy in itself) are then passed on- especially when they have concerns about their child!

Suggested improvements
Actually caring about the needs of your patients.

Rating not given.
Written by a patient
18th February 2020

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to Dr Batson Dr Curtis and all the receptionists especially Lynne and Sharon that have made my illness and life so better thank you all for yr great support xx

Written by a patient
2nd December 2019

Feeling poorly and the anxiety that can create requires more than just treatment of the symptoms, and instead treatment of the whole patient. I feel the friendly but professional approach adopted by Dr Batson at Farnham Road was nothing short of wonderful. I felt listened to, clearly informed about the rationale for diagnostics and potential issues under consideration. I also felt my worries were properly considered. Results were swift and well discussed. An excellent surgery, with staff who get the balance between caring and professional just right. Thank you.


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