Mr Sabur Malek was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at West Midlands Hospital
27th March 2024

For nearly ten years I put up with chronic pain in my left hip, which left me increasingly unable to do normal "mum" things. Certainly no taking part in Sports Day! As the pain worsened, it impacted my ability to do the shopping, walk our dog, work - in fact everything. There was absolutely no escape from the pain - not sitting, standing, lying down. Obviously this was then impacting my ability to get any sleep at all. I was depressed by constant pain and lack of sleep. The NHS did eventually x-ray and find that my left hip was "bone on bone" and my right hip wasn't in good condition either. Unfortunately the NHS were pushing me not to have a hip replacement because I was considered too young. My fantastic husband encouraged me to find a private practitioner who would do the replacement. Wow Mr Malek was amazing. Without needing to yet again run through all the ways my hip was impacting my life, he understood what I was going through and how depressed I felt about constant pain and poor mobility. His care was exemplary. I had a tiny scar and a very quick recovery. When my right hip became painful, there was no question of who I would see. Mr Malek was great and got my hip replaced quickly and without a fuss. The difference it has made to my life is incredible. I walk my dog, shop til I drop, dance, swim and I really do feel I could tackle anything. I can not recommend him highly enough.

Written by a private patient at Rowley Hospital
25th March 2024

I have had a full knee replacement with Mr Malek who is just amazing, start to finish so calm and reassuring and explains everything in such a gentle manner. I am 12 months on now and doing really well, my knee replacement was after a horse-riding accident and I have been limited with my movement and pain for 9 years now. Already 12 months on I can walk 7 miles and can 'lock' my knee back and bend. No more stabbing pains or it giving way. Mr Malek also came to see me the night I had my operation before he went home which was a really nice touch, especially as it was so late in the evening, it was also incredibly noticeable how much respect he treated the other staff no matter what level and was taking time to speak with them and share a bit of humour, he was clearly very respected by the whole team which spoke volumes to me as a HR Manager. I can't thank Mr Malek enough or the team at Rowley Park - You are all awesome. A special shout out to the Head of the Physio team who was also absolutely amazing in my recovery, so knowledgeable, kind and really innovative in her approach. Thank you

Written by a private patient at Rowley Hospital
17th March 2024

Operation 26th August 2023 Unicompartmental left knee replacement. On arrival to the Rowley Hall hospital I found the staff very helpful I was put into a lovely room with view over the gardens and handed a information package with all the details of the operation I came in for. Mr Malek came in to my room and spoke to me about about all aspects of the operation which made me feel more relaxed. All staff at the hospital were very helpful pre operation to post operation The operation had gone very well but I must say the pain after operation was extremely uncomfortable and unbearable at times but soon Improved and controlled with strong painkillers. 6 months after the operation the knee although stiff first thing of a morning last thing at night is pain free and the scar is amazing virtually Invisible . I'm able to run, walk and cycle without any pain . Thanks to Mr Malek and his team at Rowley hall hospital for all that they have done for me. Christopher Dowen

Written by a NHS patient at Rowley Hospital
17th March 2024

Mr malek his name begins with m miracle man on 18th jan 1924 I went in 12 noon 19thjan 11am I walked out a new man and six weeks on can say every day gets better thanks to miracle man they call mr malek not to forget that wonderful team around him the nursing staff 5star review theatre team 5 star review physio team 5star review to sum up an excellent experience thank you all from pete jones

Written by a NHS patient at West Midlands Hospital
11th March 2024

If I could give this wonderful man 10 stars I would! I had been in agony for months and walking on crutches when my GP referred me to Mr Malek. At our first consultation he explained clearly that I was in desperate need of 2 new hips (I thought I had a back problem). He explained everything fully and really put me at ease. I had my first hip replacement in December at the West Midlands Hospital where the staff and facilities are wonderful. Although a little nervous it was a great relief when I cam round to be in half the pain I had been in. After the follow up consultation an appointment was made for my second hip replacement to take place in early February. 2 new hips in 9 weeks! I was over the moon and pain free. I had a couple of paracetamol for the first couple of days but none of the horrible drugs I had been taking. 5 weeks on from that last operation I am walking without crutches and totally pain free. I still need to build up muscles to get back to complete normality. Thank you Mr Malek and your wonderful team for giving me my life back! You're special!


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Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Replacement surgery with Enhanced Recovery Protocol.