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Written by a private patient at North Downs Hospital
10th June 2021

As a Type 1 diabetic who injected insulin too many times in the same place – my stomach - I acquired a small localised area of fat, known as lipohypertrophy. In some diabetics this hard lump of fat can disappear over time. In my case, even after 3 years, it didn’t. I wasn’t happy living with this unsightly bulge on my stomach, so it was therefore necessary to have it removed surgically. I had a consultation with Miss Tadiparthi on 9th March, and had the ‘lipo’ removed on 23rd March. The operation, by local anaesthetic, was quick, efficient and totally painless. After following instructions to keep the area moisturised, the area is now back to what it was, pre-lipo. The only indication of work having been done is a small faint, and getting fainter, red line, which I am confident will soon disappear entirely. I wish now I hadn’t waited so long to get it removed, as everything about the procedure was as good as it could have been, and better than I could have imagined. This was high class, speedy treatment – no waiting lists! – at a very reasonable cost, and I recommend Miss Tadiparthi, who was easy to speak to, very understanding and did a superb job, to anyone who is thinking about any similar confidence-boosting medical procedure.

Written by a private patient at Shirley Oaks Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
15th April 2021

I underwent an abdominoplasty in March 2021 and have had a great journey so far. I am extremely happy with the results, how my tummy looks and how well the scars are healing. Research is key and most importantly meeting face to face with the surgeon, as you must feel comfortable and trusting to which is how I felt with Su Tadipathi. She immediately puts you at ease and you have her full and undivided attention; not just during the consultation but she gives hands on care throughout your healing process. She is truly a caring individual and together with her team provide all her patients with exceptional attentiveness. It was a personal preference to have a female surgeon, but regardless, her expertise, knowledge and demeanour speak for itself.

Written by a private patient at Shirley Oaks Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
6th April 2021

I had a Labiaplasty with Miss Tadiparthi and am very happy with the results. In what can be considered an embarrassing procedure to discuss or go through I was made to feel very comfortable and Miss Tadiparthi was extremely professional at all times. Communication before and after the procedure was also very good and helpful. I recovered very quickly with minimal pain and no complications. You cannot see any scars and I am very happy with the results. Would recommend. If you have been thinking of getting this procedure done (I had for over 10 years) then just go for it, I am so pleased I did and should have done it years ago!

Written by a private patient at Shirley Oaks Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
23rd February 2021

Miss tadiparthi was extremely personable whilst being highly professional during our consultations and during surgery. the personal nature of her care made all the difference as she put me at ease at what otherwise could have been a traumatic event.

Written by a private patient at Shirley Oaks Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
16th February 2021

Miss Tadiparthi was super helpful, listened to all my concerns and was able to treat me very swiftly.


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Miss Sujatha Tadiparthi
Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgeon
MB BCh, MRCS, MSc, FRCS (plas)

Miss Sujatha Tadiparthi graduated from Cardiff University in 2002. By 2008, she completed her basic surgical training and undertook additional surgical research. Miss Tadiparthi then completed her specialist plastic surgery training in the UK and passed the plastic surgery examination by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCS plas) in 2013. Following this, she gained further specialised training in breast surgery, breast reconstruction and microsurgery. A prestigious cosmetic fellowship at the London Wellington hospital allowed her to work with some leading cosmetic surgeons in London and gain a wide breadth of training in cosmetic surgery including breast, facial and body contouring procedures. After gaining a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in the UK, she was entered into the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC) specialist register for plastic surgery in 2014.

Miss Tadiparthi’s extensive specialist plastic surgery training in the UK has allowed her to gain considerable experience in both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgical techniques and she often combines these two complimentary fields to get the best possible outcome for her patients. As a full member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), she endeavours to provide the safest and best possible care to her patients.

An active involvement in plastic surgical research led her to publish 6 book chapters and 22 journal articles with presentations at over 75 national and international surgical meetings. Miss Tadiparthi keeps up to date with the latest developments in the field of plastic surgery by attending national and international meetings and reading journal publications and this is further supported by regular discussions with a network of surgeons to continuously evolve and provide the latest techniques for her patients.

Miss Tadiparthi is well known for her friendly and approachable manner with her patients. As one of the very few female plastic surgeons working in the area, she shows great empathy and spends time to gain a good understanding of her patient’s needs and concerns. Following surgery, Miss Tadiparthi aims to provide excellent after care and ensures that her patients are adequately guided and supported through the recovery process.

Miss Tadiparthi’s main areas of interest include:

Cosmetic breast surgery: breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast uplift (mastopexy) with or without implants, breast implant capsular contracture procedures, fat transfer to breasts, surgery for breast asymmetry, nipple surgery and breast problems noted at birth.

Body: labiaplasty, surgery following pregnancy, child birth or weight gain / weight loss, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift.

Skin: removal of lumps and bumps originating from the skin, e.g. moles, cysts, fatty lumps.

Scars: scar revision and general scar management.

Head neck procedures: upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), prominent ears (pinnaplasty), split ear lobes, and minor ear problems noted at birth or after injury.