Dr Wolfgang Walter was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at The Family Practice
19th April 2016

I found Dr. Walter thoroughly professional. He listened to what I had to say, was compassionate and truly concerned about my situation. I felt we were dealing with my problems together. He carried out thorough investigations and I felt confident in his diagnosis. I was particularly impressed at how we found a way forward together with advice that was practical and feasible that I could do myself. I felt empowered to take charge of my health-situation in the long term, based on being informed by (and understanding) test results and other information that he gave me. I also bought a book he suggested, and made changes in my lifestyle - and already felt the effects in a few weeks. Dr. Walter is an excellent doctor and I recommend him whole heartedly.

Written by a patient at Spence Group Practice
17th April 2016

Wolfgang offered advice over and above why I went to the doctor's in the first place. His knowledge about diet and sugar control was very helpful; I have ordered one of the books he recommended and will study it in detail. At the end of the session he offered a beaming smile, always welcome.


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