
Written by a NHS patient at Psychiatry-UK
27th September 2022

I recently had an assessment with this consultant for ?ADHD. I felt like my life long problems were not listened to and there was only a focus on my current depression. I tried to explain this is secondary to my ADHD, which was agreed I had symptoms for, but no dx made due to the depression. The consultant has left me in limbo and made me feel unlistened to. I was told I would need to go on depression medication in order to be able to access a diagnosis, and this was painted as the only option. I believe depression can be healed in more ways than one, and I expected the consultant to be aware of evidence showing anti-psychotics do not aid people with ADHD. She made me feel like I was just a box ticking exercise and not a real human with thoughts and feelings. I would not recommend this consultant. She needs to be more empathetic and understanding of the individual sat in front of her. Mental health is a huge spectrum, it will never fit into a box.


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