Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
12th July 2024

Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin was professional, concise, and patient. He was easy to talk to and created an environment where you could open up as if you were continuing an ongoing rapport rather than just beginning one. There was never a looming time constraint that hurried any part of the process along. When I asked him about this, Dr Mohiuddin himself said something to the effect of, 'These things take as long as they need,' which was a welcome change for me—and no doubt for many others who have experienced doctors rushing them out the door. He went into great detail about the medication. Not just the mechanics of how it works and when to take it, but an overview on how best to benefit from it. Overall, I cannot recommend Dr Mohiuddin highly enough for his expertise, insights and the rare ability that many doctors in my experience lack; the ability not just to listen, but to make you feel heard.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
21st June 2024

I can’t thank Dr Iqbal enough. Through my initial screening and ADHD assessment he didn’t rush me at all and he explained things in a way that was really relatable and understandable and gave me comfort that somebody really understood my situation. He was also happy for my wife to attend the appointments with me which really helped. I. was mentally in a completely different place. I had almost felt that I’d tried everything and I was out of options. I now feel hope and see light at the end of the tunnel.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
4th June 2024

Iqbal was great, he listened and was understanding. I was diagnosed ADHD combined type late last year and have been medicated since then which I am thankful for. Iqbal and his wife Pam were most accommodating through some difficulties with medication shortages and postal delays. I was well looked after the whole time.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
6th May 2024

I recently had a consultation with Dr. Iqbal Mohiuddin, and I cannot speak highly enough of his compassionate approach. Dr. Mohiuddin demonstrated deep understanding and made me feel truly validated and heard throughout our session. His empathy and professionalism were evident, and I left the assessment feeling more hopeful and supported. After the assessment, Dr. Mohiuddin provided me with an excellent report that included a thorough diagnosis. His expertise shone through in the detailed and insightful report, which provided clarity and guidance for my next steps in treatment. His dedication to his patients' well-being is evident in both his compassionate care during the assessment and the quality of his written evaluation. I am grateful for Dr. Mohiuddin's expertise and highly recommend him to anyone in need of psychiatric support.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
22nd March 2024

I would recommend seeing Dr Iqbal. I decided to see a Private Psychiatrist due to how difficult it is to see a Psychiatrist on the NHS. I was so pleased that I was able to be seen within 5 days of asking for an appointment. I was impressed with how carefully Dr Iqbal had read my initial assessment form and from the very start of the session said he thinks he knows what is going on with me, when I asked him what he thought it was, he said that I may have Adult ADHD, this made me feel very relieved, because, finally for once in my life a Psychiatrist was able to pinpoint why I struggle to organise and focus on tasks. This also made me feel as though there was hope that things would get better for me as well. I have felt misunderstood all my life. I also always wondered why I could not be productive enough and I have felt inadequate due to this. I have been on a lot of different medications in the past that have given me bad side affects. Dr Iqbal recommended I go on a mood stabiliser, I am hoping this will make me feel better in my mood and mean I will not have anymore episodes of anxiety and or depression. I will be asking my GP to refer me for a full Adult ADHD assessment and if I have it I will commence treatment for this. Dr Iqbal also recommended I get ASD life coaching, I am not sure if this is available on the NHS, but I will be speaking to my GP about this. Dr Iqbal sent me some questionnaires to complete before he made any diagnoses of me, I found this to be very thorough and I was very pleased about this. He was friendly, professional but also relaxed in his persona which put me at ease during our video call together. I have already put some money aside in case I need to have a review with Dr Iqbal.


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Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin has been a British GMC registered doctor in the UK since 1999, and an NHS Psychiatrist since 2000. He has been practising as a private Consultant Psychiatrist in General Adult Psychiatry since 2008. He has special interests in Psychotherapy, Adult ADHD, and Addiction Psychiatry. He has successfully helped and treated thousands of NHS and private patients with various mental health problems including:

- Adult ADHD
- Addictions
- Alcoholism with Home Alcohol Detoxication
- Anxiety disorders
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Psychosis

Private consultation is offered face to face, or by Online video (telemedicine) throughout the UK via Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, MS Teams, Apple FaceTime, Telephone, or email.

Dr Mohiuddin is fully indemnified for private medical and psychiatric practice. He has been a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) since 2009. He has been a Graduate member of the Human Givens Institute (GHGI) since 2006. He has been on the GMC Specialist Register for General Psychiatry since 2013. He has been an Approved Clinician (AC) under the Mental Health Act (1983) since 2009. He is passionate about mental and physical health, and your safe and timely recovery.

Call Pam on 0800 779 7800 or email Catherine at IamPsychiatryEnquiries@gmail.com to book a private consultation at your convenience. Start your recovery journey with us today.