Dr Hisham Maksoud was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at Consult Healthcare Limited
25th April 2021

As other patients have written about Dr.Hisham, I have also experienced him being a wonderful, approachable, caring, medical consultant. He is a perfectionist. He gives of his time to listen effectively, make a correct diagnosis and then explains the disease process through his extensive knowledge. He really understands why patients and their families have worried when they have not experienced good, effective and timely care before consulting him. I wish there were many more conscientious medical doctors like him around. He has been there for me during my long serious illnesses and I really can't thank him enough. I dread to think where I would have been without his continuing medical care. I would advise anyone 100% that when medical care is required for whatever health problem they should consult him without fail.

Written by a private patient at Consult Healthcare Limited
19th April 2021

I cannot express in words my gratitude toward Dr Maksoud. At age 35 I started loosing sight, being prediabetic I thought that was the reason for it. My GP dismissed me completely saying it was too soon for vision issues. Thank god I went privately to an eye doctor which told me otherwise. Hence I searched for a private endocrinologist and I ended up in the care of Dr Maksoud. Before meeting with him I can truly say I was in the scariest moment of my life, loosing sight and not being cared by anyone was terrifying. Dr Maksoud gave me hope and dignity back. He listed to me, he understood me, he explained everything to me, he encouraged me to ask question, he was caring and took his time. He is incredibly knowledgeable about his field, but he is also caring, attentive and emphatic. He should teach other doctors how to treat their patients with respect and dignity as I feel this is something that just comes natural to him. What else can I say? Dr Maksoud is just a wonderful doctor and a wonderful human and I will always be grateful to have found him in my time of need. I am not sure what the future will look like, it is still a scary place to be where I am at atm health wise, but he gave me a plan, care and hope back.

Written by a private patient at Consult Healthcare Limited
17th April 2021

I wish I had found Dr Maksoud 30 years ago when other doctors just dismissed my concerns. He is a kind, patient and gentle doctor with a great depth of knowlege for his subject and a deep concern for his patients. I can't say enough good things about him. I have learned so much from him about my condition and it saddens me that I found him so late in my life. He runs late for appointments, but I don't even care about that. I would wait forever for him because I know that he will spend time with me and that he is late because the person before me needs that time as well. I never feel rushed with him, he encourages me to ask questions and nothing is too trivial. He should be teaching other doctors how to treat patients with dignity and respect.

Written by a private patient at Consult Healthcare Limited
12th April 2021

Dr Maksoud has changed our lives. I wish I'd known him 30 years ago. If you don't do anything else, please go and see Dr Maksoud as it will be the best health investment you ever make in your life. A friend recommeneded him to my wife, and then I saw him and now both my teenage children have seen him Dr Maksoud is unbelivevably knowledable, patient, attentive and gentle and kind with a good sense of humour to boot! For all of us, Dr Maksound went through our blood test results line by line, explaining everything very clearly and drawing simple pictures to explain everything. We did not want the consultations to end as it is worth going to see him just for a chat! From a medical perspective, Dr Maksoud explained our blood tests in detail and what interventions we needed to make to obtain optimum health. My son was on the verge of going down the traditional medical route - 10 mins with the doctor who does not have time to listen and understand, but his symptoms have as good as disappeared which is amazing, especially as the only things he is taking are natural supplements. My daughter had some issues for which she had seen her GP which as it turned out, was a complete waste of time. We ar enow following Dr Maksound's advice. Personally, I have never felt better - all thanks to Dr Maksoud. Dr Maksound even told us where to go for comprehensive, but cost effective blood tests which is amazing compared to what I used to pay for a lot less comprehensive testing at the usual private hospitals where I paid much more for a fraction of the analysis I had with Dr Maksoud. We are booked in now every 6-12 months and I hope to maintain this relationship with Dr Maksound to keep on track of and to monitor our family's health and well being. I cannot talk highly enough about him and I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending him for any health issue.

Written by a private patient at Consult Healthcare Limited
10th April 2021

After suffering for over 20 years with increasing symptoms that in isolation were dismissed by my doctors and a long battle with food, digestive problems, easy weight gain, extensive diets and exercise programmes which at best would stabilise weight and resulted in no weight loss, anxiety and depression, fatigue and detrimental affect on my wellbeing and failed IVF and more and my doctors telling me that nothing was wrong as my blood test results were in a normal range, a friend recommended Dr Maksoud. For the first time in my life, this Consultant listened to over 20 years of problems, reviewed my blood test results and within half an hour was able to give me a clear diagnosis, confirmed in my blood test results. He took the time to explain how all of my symptoms are connected and how to read my blood test results properly and worked out a treatment plan and medication to start to help me immediately. Whilst there is no cure for my condition, Dr Maksoud continues to help me to manage the condition and is the only doctor that has ever helped me. He is simply an amazing, caring and clever man and I would not trust anyone else with my health issue. Whereas other doctors seem to dismiss the difficulties that I live with on a daily basis, Dr Maksoud understands the enormity of the condition on my whole life. If I had not seen Dr Maksoud I would still be undiagnosed and untreated. My only regret is that I did not know Dr Maksoud 20 years ago and if I had then I might have been able to have children. I highly recommend Dr Maksoud to anyone in my position and indeed he also now treats my sister as it turns out that PCOS and insulin resistance is genetic. Thank you Dr Maksoud. You have changed my life.


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Specialises in

  • Internal (General) Medicine
  • Endocrinology


am a Consultant in Diabetes, Endocrinology, Metabolism and General Internal Medicine at the Derby, Lincoln ,Nottingham and London. After graduating from the Royal College of Surgeons Dublin, I gained significant clinical experience in both Diabetes and Endocrinology at the Oxford Teaching Hospitals.

I have a specialist interest in Thyroid disease, PCOS, hirsutism, diabetes, obesity and endocrine disease.