Boots Opticians Cambridge - Lion Yard

249 reviews


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19th January 2017

The optometrist was really friendly and helpful, gave a lot of good advice and looked caring and passionate. The only downside was the waiting time for the appointment - it was my lunch break at work, and the fact that I had to wait extra time meant I was late to get back. I have been told that the company (Boots) prescribes the optometrists the time they're supposed to spend with each patient, and this time is unrealistically low, so they almost always overrun, rolling it into the next slot and so on (that is, those of them who care to ensure their patients/customers are well looked after and receive all care and advice they come for). Would it be possible to review this policy and give the optometrists more time on their appointments?

Clear Recommendation
17th January 2017

Well organised & quickly moved through the various stages of eye testing.

Clear Recommendation
17th January 2017

I went in without an appointment, anxious to be seen by an optometrist, fearing that I had warning symptoms of a possible detached retina. The receptionist took a description of the problem and although everyone was fully booked, went in search of someone who could help. Prisha Kotecha agreed to see me in 2 hours time and I felt very lucky not to have to wait until another day. From 12.45 to 2.45 a full battery of tests was carried out, some repeated before and after pupil dilation. I was examined from every possible angle and it could not have been more thorough. Nothing abnormal was found and after a full explanation and discussion, I was given a letter for my GP suggesting further tests to try to find an explanation of symptoms. I could not be more happy with the level of care given by all those involved. Everyone was kind, helpful, attentive and cheerful.

Clear Recommendation
16th January 2017

I see a different optometrist every time I am seen here, which is not ideal and feels a little impersonal. Also I had some problems with my prescription and there was an error in the lenses of my glasses, however, on a positive note, one particular member of staff - Kate - was extremely helpful and took the time to explain everything thoroughly to me. She has made every effort to sort out the problems and has been outstandingly professional.

Clear Recommendation
15th January 2017

The service I received was excellent and I would definitely recommend using boots again

Clear Recommendation

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