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Written by a NHS patient
5th May 2022

I have so much to thank Jenny for, I don't know where to begin. I was paired with Jenny as part of my ADHD medication titration with Psychiatry-UK via NHS Right to Choose. Jenny is such a patient, empathetic, and caring person. She is down to earth, extremely professional, and upholds the highest standards when communicating with me and prescribing. Jenny provided such helpful options to allow me to lead my titration, but at the same time used her extensive knowledge and experience to guide me and help me understand what realistic expectations to have with medication for my symptoms, and to recognise when something was not working. Jenny does not provide a 'one size fits all' approach to patient care, she speaks to me as an individual and has a truly admirable gift of knowing how to adapt to communicate based on our prescriber/patient relationship and how she has learnt my communication needs over time. Through this, she has also taught me (my observation) new ways to 'translate' communication, so that I know I can trust her words to always come from a caring and professional place, which helps me to feel reassured and I don't read into things with my very sensitive, and self-critical nature. I felt very safe under Jenny's care and would highly recommend her to anyone who not only is looking for someone with extensive experience and knowledge, but a human being who puts patient care at the forefront of her work. Jenny, thank you for not only changing my life, but for once in my life allowing me to have a truly positive care experience where I felt heard and prioritised.
