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Written by a patient
9th October 2015

I am patient from the Macmillan Unit. Was due to have chemo 1300 Thursday 8th, but due to a complication that could not be given. I was taken to A&E for a doctor to examine me before me being released to go home. Was taken there around 1400 Thursday 8th October, was seen by a nurse who did some paperwork then said a doctor will see me. A female Dr came went though question etc. then said another Dr will come and examine me. After a period of time another Dr came she was an Oriental (Don't know whether she was Agency staff. She did some more filling in forms while leaving me twice to take phone calls and also having at least 3 phone calls while she was suppose to be seeing to me. Then she close the file and said she would get a Dr to come and examine me! I said well you are a Dr why aren't you going to do that. The reply was Well my shift has finished, this was around 1700. No one came I was getting more and more upset I hadn't eaten or had a drink since breakfast, it was stuffy and I just wanted to get out and go home. Asked nurse to take needle out of my arm so that I could go. She talk me out of it and got me a cup of tea. Still on Dr came, nurse then suggest that if I sat in waiting room at least I could see daylight. I waited approx. hour then really had enough so found nurse again, and said that either they take needle out or I will as I am going home. She try to calm me down, but as I said I thought the whole idea was to keep Chemo patients away from infection, not leave me for hours in the middle of them. She then did get a Dr to see me. We then went forward, thank goodness. I wanted to go home and come back the next day for the CT Scan that they wanted me to have. I think this was agreed with the Registrar. My Scan was booked for 1010 on 9th October, but I was to report to the AAU unit to have the needle put in my arm, which I agreed to do. So 7 hours after coming into the hospital and in all that time just having 1 cup of tea nothing to eat, I was allow to go home. I reported at AAU about 0945 on 9th to have needle put in arm, they asked me to wait in the waiting area, which I did but at approx. 0955 I reminded them time of my CT Scan and I didn't want to miss my slot. Said they where a bit busy, so I asked could they do it at the Xray dept as I know I have had it done there before, yes they can do it was the reply. So I staggered to the Xray Dept they didn't have me on the system but the reception clerk was very good and got that sorted. When they came to fetch me and take me to the unit, they asked did I have a .......(needle) in my arm, said no and was told that it should have been done at AAU, I asked why cant you do it here as I have had it done here before. But no they refused to do it. So they then got a wheelchair and took me back to AAU and told them to call her when they have done it and she will come to get me!! While they where doing this they could have done it. Apparently its all internal politics. Approx hour later I had my Scan and was by then being seen by a Dr in the AAU Dept who was very good and understanding. The results came back from the scan fairly quickly and was all clear, asked if I could go home but was advised that the wanted to do a MRI Scan. Asked the Dr what are they looking for as I don't think you will do this just on a whim. The Dr asked me what do I think its for, which I replied to see if the Cancel has spread, she said got it in 1. Once again the results came back clear (thank goodness). I I do appreciate that you were making sure that nothing untoward was happening to me. BUT it was the way of being treated - like a number instead of a human.

13th October 2015
Response from Yeovil District Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave such a detailed review of your experience and while there are some positives we would be very keen to speak with you further to understand where we could improve our service. Please would you either give consent to IWantGreatCare to share your details with us in order we may contact you or alternatively call our Patient Experience Team directly on 01935 384706. We look to speaking with you soon.
